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måndag 3 oktober 2016

Not to long ago United Nation held united nations held it national debate at which Robert Gabriel Mugabe spoke, clearly on the principles of self determination and independence

In the eyes of our people, the sanctions constitute a form of hostility and violence

against them for the simple crime of undertaking the land reform programme by which land was

put in the hands of the then majority landless Zimbabweans. Our small and peaceful country is

threatened daily by covetous and bigoted big powers whose hunger for domination and control of

other nations and their resources knows no bounds. Shame, shame, shame to the United States of

America. Shame, shame, shame to Britain and its allies.”

- Cde Robert Gabriel Mugabe





Zimbabwe however refuses to accept that these western

detractors have the right to define democracy and freedom for us. We paid the ultimate price for it

and we are determined never to relinquish our sovereignty and remain masters of our destiny. As

we have repeatedly asserted Zimbabwe will never be a colony again!!

If we flash foreword to today, we see to a large extent that the same old scrutures that upheld colonial regimes still influence modern day Imperialism, as of which Mugabe spok of in september 2016, with clarity as he spoke he said.

Our:common comittment to leaving nobody behind demands that we adress the plight of the people's living umder colonislism and occupation, said Mugabe ephasising, the plight of the palestinians in the middle east and the people of democratic arab republic of saharwi. Who live under imperalist opression.

Mugabe speaks as the international states man and former secretary general of the non alignment movement, an unfraid and principled revolutionary who is not shy to speak for all people in the so called third world or post colonial countries who live under treath from neo colonialism. Mugabe describing himself as a disciple of Kwame Nkrumah who wrote about Neo colonialism as the highest state of imperialism. Nkrumah has past away, but Mugabe is still going strong and his legacy will never die even if he retirers

21st February Movement 30th edition – ”this is the right of Self-Determination
In the weeks that have passed, Zimbabwean News papersn have high lighted the preparations and celebration of the 21ST February Movements 30th edition. As usual it coinsided with the celebration of Comerade Mugabes Birthday and as it was described in the papers it's a marvellous, with the youth at cenre to learn from and seek to emulate the president, who remains as a tireless anti imperialist and revolutionary and dynamic pragmatic at the same time. This years theme was UNITY AND PEACE, fractionalism was rejected and cdr mugabe spoke with clarity on what is a corner stone of the constitution of thr Independent Republic of Zimbabwe, he spoke of working together and to stand fast according to principles, hard work and unity.

Let us recognise that although we may differ, although we may have different affinities — religious, tribal or even economic — there is room in our country for all of us and that must be recognised.
That is the right of self-determination.
We work together.”

comrade mugabe made clear, the case of working together to uphold political stability and showed that he, the ZANU PF PARTY and it's Youth league, and all peace loving people in the world who cherish independence shows how these values are universal, and these principles are paramount to all anti – imperialist movements in the world in which Zimbabwe still plays an important role.