"There is political will on the part of the inclusive Government "
quoted in Zimbabwe Herald 12th of March 2010
Cde John Landa Nkomo Vice President of the Indpendent Republic of Zimbabwe
The Herald 12 of March 2010 reported that the The New Vice President of The Independent Republic of Zimbabwe today held an important one day workshop on the importance of economic stability in the development of the countries economy.
In being a skilled agitator and a veteran revolutionary and a long time serving politician Cde Nkomo remains well aware of the need of being pragmatic in correlations to questions concerning politial economy yet the Hon. VP is also aware of the vital importance of the fact that a popular leader must never to compromise the revolutionary ideals of self reliance, independence and the principle of always putting the people first, I.E regardless of goverment position a true leader must never forget the grass roots.
Thus there was two key issues in VP Nkomos presentation the one hand was the question of maintaining economic stability through stimualting parastatals, on the other how to maintain a dynamic development of the economy through investment without compromising the empowerment policies and the people centered economy programmes spearheaded by the revolutionary grass roots movement.
A curious reader may find the situation peculiar but in the face of the illegal sanctions there is no straight path to walk down for the Zimbabwean people, for as VP Nkomo explained well functioning Parastatals are vital for survival, yet investment from abroad cannot be totally ignored either.
Under the auspice of creative leadership from the likes of Cde Nkomo coupled with the comittment en masse from all corners all public strata in every region, the Zimbabwean will surely overcome any ordeal that might cross their path, a people united can never be defeated.
Zimbabwe finds herself in a dynamic phase of economic development right now, but it is almost totally ignored by the progressive minded people world wide.
over dogmatic marxists must realise that one cannot always go by the book
Long live the dynamic and independent Zimbabwean society
Kudos to VP Nkomo who is showing genuine interest for the common people and also for the way he showcases political determination.
Jan Freidun Taravosh
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