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tisdag 22 april 2014

Zimbabwe @ 34

 Never did a nation resort to mutual counsel except
that they were guided by it towards maturity.”

- Imam Hasan, 2nd apostolic Imam (Peace Be Upon Him)

In the name of God, Omnipotent, All-Wise
May God Lord of the Worlds hasten the arrival of Emam Mahdi and thusly herald The New Age for Sustainable Peace and Justice in this World.

Solemn Greetings of Solidarity  to you oh Honourable Servants of the People of the INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE

Happy Birthday

I Congratulate you, on the success of the years that have passed, the land reform programme, the farm mechanisation programme, the STERP PROGRAMME, the looking east policy and the literacy campaigns. I look dearly to Zimbabwe and become infused with passion and inspiration, for it sense of revolutionary pragmatism under his excellency Comrade RG MUGABE and maintaining its revolutionary zeal and political stability, regardless of wind and weather.
34 years of Genuine Self Determination

Anti Imperialism has been a clear characteristic of the ZANU Government from day one, and the people have never been afraid of blazing there own path, as cde MUGABE wisely put it for time magazine to understand in march 1980

There are certain principles we have that derive from
Marxism. But others derive from our own traditions, communal
land ownership, for example.”

Zimbabwe @ 34

The success of Zimbabwe @ 34 with ZIM ASSET and special economic zones under way lies in the people’s and it’s leader’s comitted belief in building a genuinely soverign and independent nation. dynamic without apprehending any mechanically ready made blueprints, instead the people come together under a far sighted leadership working together to find the solutions that works best for the Dynamic Zimbabwean Revolution in itself, standing up for the principle of not becoming a carbon copy of any other nation. As comrade MUGABE said in his celebratory adress – ”We want to be self sufficent”

Godspeed! May God Bless you all and strenghten you in all your future endevours.

 /Freidun Taravosh Theology Student


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