If the united states had stayed true to their word and left the Korean penninsula by
1945 as promised at foreign minister conference of the allied forces held in
Moscow after Japans final defeat, then the colonial problem that now persist on
the penninsula would never have been. The military presence of UNITED STATES
ARMY, is by far the biggest hindrance for the peaceful independent unification,
and nothing else rivals that position.
RG MUGABE once wrote in his book our war of liberation that:
”A further point that must be noted in resoect
of the principle of
one-man-one-vote is that it can only derive its full scope and meaning
where physical power (military power) has been equally and effectivly
transferred alongside political power to the people.[…]
Our votes must go together with our guns after
all. any vote we shall have shall have been the product of the gun, the gun
which produces the votes should remain its security officer- it's
The liberation struggle is one step to attain independce,
another is to maintain it.
problem is for
KOREA is that after having won independence from Japan she lost it to U.S. in
only a few years time. People often talk about the heavily gaurded DMZ, but
seldom speak of the war crimes of the united states, in the very same region. You
don’t have to be a veteran politician to understand tat fi your are under
treath by weaponry of the biggest military force in the world, then you do
anything in your capability to safegaurd what you have gauned.
Should the armistice be traded for a genuine peace treaty,
then things would look different, this has not to do with capitalism or
socialism and definatly nothing to do with DPRK satelites being suspected
missiles, it has to do with U.S. Persistent colonial policy through military
presence in a county that should have been left well enough alone, way back
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