mutural respect and equal footing in foreign relations
As it was said in the election manifesto of ZANU (PF) 2008
"Our vision is to
found an owning society, well empowered to control and
use its resources equitably and sustainably. We have
already started with the Land; we are now focusing on
what lies underneath it: our mineral resources which
must come under the majority control of the
Zimbabwean People. These are finite, non-renewable
resources; they cannot be scooped away by foreigners
while we remain disinterested by-standers or mere
underpaid labourers. How then would we say we are
Independent and Sovereign? ZANU (P.F.) does not
believe in paper or flag independence. This is why
ZANU (P.F.) launched the Third Chimurenga, which
must now expand to other sectors of the economy until
our people cease to be minors in their economy."
The zimbabwean people spearhead this revolution step by step from clarity to clarity beause they have a well thought after vision, well aware that after years in the trenches fighting apartheid the people are aware things does not happen over night.
The Korean People's leader, Legendary Kim IL SUNG once wrote a profound article on non aligment, where he pointed out in his book that the non aligment movement is a powerful anti imperialistic force in our time. Even andropov had to admit in his own mid 80's writings, and infact it getting more relevant now in this unipolar world. the biggest superpower in the world is nearing bankrupcy more and more nations in the 'allied forces' are withdrawing from Afghanistan, having caused more damage than benefit for her people.
Dr Ahmadinejad said in 62 session to the UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY that the bright future for mankind will come. In Shiism the key is to know God and pratice patience, an concept upheld by maintaining faith in entezar, which means the patient awaiting for the 12 apostolic Emam and Christ to return. People may think Shiism by such means remains a passive world outlook, but such is not the case, anyone who familiars oneself with the life and mission of the twelve Emams know otherwise.
Emam Hasan once said something that is going to live on forever “never did a nation resort to mutual councel except that they were guided by it towards
the corruption within the Caliphat in his time was well known and widespread, but never did he let things stop him from embarking his works on a peace treaty. to achieve peace, we must realise we are not alone in the world, and that differnt people have different needs, even if we know IMPERIALISM is crumbling and that the last superpower and greatest millitary power will sooner or later break down, we cannot advance this happening through the work of weaponry and arms. To maintain stability the postcolonial world has started to work together based on mutual counsel. Like the exchange between DPRK and I.R Iran concerning film and arts or the profound China Africa Cooperation project, the SADC in southern Africa and others. Thanks to the untiring work of leaders like persident Rohani, who said moderation an wisdom will guide my government, as he spoke on asia society meeting on foreign council.
I.R IRAN along with Zimbabwe an DPRK mentioned above are all countries with a revolutionary history, but as rohani states there is still a practical reality and an ideal. The assessments of new goals to be achieved in a process of opening up while maintaining indpendence can be done via the NAM, an institution formed in the height of the cold war, still has a key role to play in todays world
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