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torsdag 16 januari 2014

why sanctions?

Soverignity and independce are like freedom of choice, they are basic traits that make what is known as humanity and freedom of concience, these are God given traits and rights given to all humanbeings not regarding colour, creed or political opinion.

The other day I read at the homepage of UN Geneal assembly how great it was that member state could partake in the general debate. Problem is that due to the colonial set up of the so called security council there exists an a team and a b team in that race within the UN. For instance swedish newspapers defended the idea of sanctions in the DPRK because they claimed former chairman of the counties biggest party, used to travel by train on state visits ordering Iranian caviar and lobster. As was idea that Mugabe has become mad in old age, madee neo liberal newspapers call for unilateral sanctions with a targeted nature
What is crazy is that a chairmans eating habits, wether true or not, can never define a reason for unilateral sanctions, if such was the case the election of younger and seemingly happier chairman would have been enough reason to change the policy.

To be serious there are no such thing as targeted sanctions happening under the guidance of the seciury council. It’s a tool to create social unrest on grassroots level, and everybody knows it is also an tool for paving the wave for coup detate or two.

For instance the breakdown of the arab socialist jamahariah of Lybia was pictured as a rebel uproar towards a man of the people turned autocrat, but few were given the real story behind the mechanism of those reactionary winds of change, that made gaddafis downfall and opened up for an official EU office in Lybia(!!) without any solution for the social unrest, more than a new flag waving it’s banner in the air.

DPRK are not being held under sanctions because of former leader the late Kim Jong IL’s eating habits, you don’t have to be juche-ite to relalise this, it’s imperial problem of colonial proportion. It’s the story of a whole people being brae enough to blaze their own path with or without Kim Jong IL who has now pased away. When demonising does not work, propaganda war and sanctions is next to come. The fact that the argicultural revolution, spearheaded by the very same Kim Jong Il in since the vast natural desasters of mid 90’s with new crops and a broad exchange of experience with other countries within the NAM, is something that is often unheard of in the west. And this is something that has to be said, it is not a question of being Socialist or not the right for mankind to decided it’s own destiiny rests assured as a Godgiven right, since the day of Adam and Eve. DPRK for instance has been punished for their space programme in the way Jomhuri Eslami has been punished for their nuclear energy programme, and it is easy to see double standards in such a decision, I mean who has ever punished Japan or U.S of A for similiar things. I don’t know anything about Obamas eating habits, but noone would believe they are the reasons for wall street being on the verge of breakdown… demonising has that side to it also, the simplification. The potato revolution early 00’s in Korea under Kim Jong IL may sound like a big joke to some, but it is something that has resulted in major improvments in day to day living in the DPRK because a varied section of produce, agricultural planing makes for better crops in general.
It is like the old Koranic story when Prophet Josph is asked to interpret a dream ”Joseph, thou true man, pronounce to us regarding seven fat kine, that seven lean ones were devouring, seven green ears of corn, and seven withered; haply I shall return to the men, haply they will know.' He said, 'You shall sow seven years after your wont; what you have harvested leave in the ear, excepting a little whereof you eat.
Then thereafter there shall come upon you seven hard years, that shall devour what you have laid up for them, all but a little you keep in store.”

Koran 12:46 onward

Countries in the post colonial  world are now regrouping under the banner of mutual respect and non interfereance in internal affairs. It’s like when I wrote some years ago about Lao PDR gearing towards it’s goal pf selfsufficency in rise production, it was out in the open during the world food summit in rome 2009, but as good as noone gave that part of what Dr. Ty Phommasack said on the subject, I guess the same old fables of ’autocratic leaders vasting moey on lobster works better for peopl’e who conciousness is being held on ransom by the tabloid evening papers.

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