My topics

söndag 29 november 2009

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz - A person the west hates to admit as being right

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz  -  A person the west hates to admit as being right.

By Jan Freidun Taravosh 29th of November 2009.

Much has been said about Fidel Castro in the western media through the years, but it’s more or less  always the case that the western establishment hates to admit that he has something valueble to say -regardless of what he says, he is often a subject of ridicule or contempt, for what reason one may ask?

He is the chairman of the Cuban Communist Party, and for that reason alone, he is worth despising, and if not for that, it’s because he is growing old, and therefore his views on political issues of global importance must also be growing old. 

It’s funny how the western establishment suggest this reasoning on progressive leaders like Castro or Mugabe, but never dare to reason likewise about say, Reagan or Tatcher,  - hmm... Now to put things simple, Castro is that kind of person the west hates to admit as being right - based only on the fact that he is the chairman of a communist party. 

Regardless if you agree with everything he says or not, one should thoroughly examine his experience in politics with respect, and regardless if you agree or not,  his reflections on global development in politics is as good as always a worthwhile read. Take, for example his wise (and witty) reflection concerning Obama and the Peace Price, entitled A Nobel peace price for Evo, posted on the Cuban governments web-site  some time  ago in multiple languages. even the imperialists, must admit he clearly knows his stuff. He may be old, he may be communist, he may be Cuban, but above all (which the western media is trying to deny). He is a knowledgeable, well informed and experienced popular leader, freedom fighter, statesman politician, Lawyer - you name it. Don’t let the western definition “dictator” scare you, reading his reflections really demonstrates what a down to earth person he is. Even if he sometimes uses an economical terminology with might seem abstract of foreign to some, He nevertheless connects to the reader on a personal level.

The 18th of November Dr. Castro wrote a peace prize for Evo, where he contemplated the fact that the  Movement for socialism’s leader and Bolivia's, indigenous  President  Evo Morales is a more worthy recipient  of the peace prize than Obama. Unlike Obama Mr Morales is a true man of the people, a person willing not only to talk about but to consistently work for change, economic justice, and to get rid of the remains of colonialism, and apartheid in Bolivia, to ensure a life of dignity to all Bolivians regardless of colour, social status or creed. Mind you that this is the guy, who came to prominence in politics without university education and extensive PR. He won the elections because the people believe in him. His popularity is genuine and not staged. Yet where the united states administration seem to be joyous about having a African American president in the US. They have not reacted with the same joy concerning and American indigenous  president in Bolivia. US AID and the CIA is plotting a coup to remove him, the white settler minority does not hesitate to shoot at him and his supporters, when all they are trying to do is to bring the suggestion of land reform to the people. Despite the hardships Evo has encountered, he has still achieved much, and I do agree with Fidel, he is worthy recipient of a peace prize, most of all for his humanist and social development programmes , the likes of which Obama only talks about while the nations budget still maintains and excessive military budget. and the U.S army still occupies several nations and unlawfully interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign nations apparently there is no room for change in that department. If you do not feel inclined to agree with Dr Castro, then remember than Obama himself in the acceptance speech, underlined the fact that he himself did not consider himself worthy of the award, I.E. his African heritage does not make  automatically make him a Comrade Mandela per se! but then again the noble comittie is know to have a certain bias towards favouring US Presidents. Who are in  this Nobel comittie to decided these things anyway? Didn’t they award Nobel Prize in chemistry to an Israeli scientist? (Who’s name I can’t recall).  as far as I know the Apartheid government of Israel are no strangers to using chemical warfare against civilians in occupied Palestine. What I am trying to say is that this comittie seems to favour war and exploitation rather than peace and science for the advancement of noble causes of human kind, If am informed correctly then this makes me uneasy. One would think noble causes where of interest to the Nobel prize committee, but I guess, that is considered being  naive in today’s  world. 

Personally I also think Yusuf Islam deserves a Peace Award, but that’s me. More about that in another article.

Zimbabwe and the development of a genuinely independent society on the basis of majority rule

Zimbabwe and the development of a genuinely independent societyon the basis of majority rule. 

by Jan Freidun Taravosh

29th of novemeber 2009


Much have been written about the liberation struggle of Zimbabwe. In the 60’s and 70’s this was the hot topic in many magazines all over the world, it was a prominent subject being discussed in the east and the west, alike and even within academic circles people were not afraid to utter words of solidarity, and understanding towards the people’s struggle for liberation which within the ruling circles in the west generally  was written of as “Marxist terrorism” and the freedom fighters where considered “savage Africans.”

The actual reality of dynamic development in independent Zimbabwe, today despite economic warfare sanctions and embargoes brought out by bitter colonial powers, The Zimbabwean masses stand united in a common vision that the people should be the masters of their own destiny.

A broadly based popular movement for dynamic development  in Zimbabwe and Beyond

In today’s Zimbabwe a broad based popular movement happening to further strengthen the independent development in this peace loving nation, is in action:


Under the Global Political Agreement this is happening even beyond party boarders - the formation of the inclusive government, in 2008. along with such progressive measures as  the further facilitation of the legendary land reform,  The Government’s Farming Mechanisation Programme, the mining mechanisation plan, the indgenisation and empowerment law and The new economic recovery plan STERP, only to name a few.

  Simultaneously Beyond the boarders of this Pan African state we see the strengthening of fair trade, and mutual co-operation within the Southern African Development Community, the African Union and COMESA. but also beyond African borders within the forum for China-Africa co-operation, the Africa Latin America solidarity organisation and the Non Alignment Movement. All this is derived from the natural development of the ZANU PF Governments revolutionary unity policy  and the anti imperialistic Look East policy, a policy which has further strengthened the foundation for a strong cultural and scientific exchange with other independent and progressive nations, such as the Bolivian Republic of Venezuela, The Republic of Cuba, The Libyan Great Arab socialist Jahamariya, the People’s republic of Bangladesh  and the Islamic Republic of Iran among others  in the face of western hostility.  The look east policy is a dynamic and progressive policy which stands firm on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit.

Yet western media have no interest in reporting on anything about this in a sincere manner. Zimbabwe is quickly written of an isolated nation on the brink of disaster. it has got a lot to do with the fact that western powers are not willing to accept the fact that Zimbabwe is no longer a colony. 

Zimbabwe - not your average carbon copy of socialism alá the eastern bloc 

What even more unfortunate is that also within the progressive movement here in the west many people tend to be more willing to belittle Zimbabwe rather than trying to understand the true dynamics of development in the independent African nation. I think much of this has do with the fact that Zim is not your average carbon copy of socialism alá the eastern bloc and thus an estranged attitude persist towards  progressive movements in Africa as a whole. (MPLA, ANC, SWAPO and Frelimo have suffered a similar faith.)  within the  and imperialist camp and the progressive camp alike, at least in the west. In Africa, for that matter as  well as in Asia and Latin America - The people fighting for justice, dignity and self determination see the independent republic of Zimbabwe in a totally different light, namely  as a role model and a source of inspiration.

With all the demonising up ahead towards the Zimbabweans, combined with lots of prejudice which goes together with the western “orphan perspective” which is a racist perspective  bent on considering African people unable to stand on their own two feet makes it difficult for many people to accept the fact that  the Zimbabwean people, together with their own popular leaders follow their own path in the construction of society. This  in itself nothing new, but as people seem to forget this every now and then  let’s look back at what Comrade R.G. Mugabe explained it in Time Magazine as early as in march 1980: 

our principles must take cognizance of the realities of our 

country—the history, traditions and particular circumstances in 

which we find ourselves.[...]  We want people to participate in shaping their own 

Lives at various levels, especially in the countryside. The workers 

there will be established into various committees which have a 

management role. That's what we envisage. I refuse to borrow 

political models. The principles—yes, the principles that people 

must finally be their own masters, share the ownership of their resources, peasants being well organized into collective units... [...] There are certain principles we have that derive from 

Marxism. But others derive from our own traditions, communal 

land ownership, for example.”

Now let’s jump forward a few decades, namely to the time

During the launch of The Revolutionary Party (ZANU P.F.)’s election manifesto February  2008.  Comrade Mugabe explained how economic independence is vital, yet he also clarified that it does not have to mean isolation. 

In the following statement The revolutionary parties first secretary explained, that people centred economy does not equal shunning international co-operation, contrary to common belief, and misconceptions.

We are not about signing away our 

non-renewable resources.  We are about gainfully sharing 

them with well-meaning investors who must recognise 

that we are the owners of the resources. Our vision is to 

build wealth which is genuinely national. Our vision is to 

found an owning society, well empowered to control and 

use its resources equitably and sustainably. We have 

already started with the Land; we are now focusing on 

what lies underneath it: our mineral resources which 

must come under the majority control of the  Zimbabwean People. These are finite, non-renewable 

resources; they cannot be scooped away by foreigners 

while we remain disinterested by-standers or mere 

underpaid labourers. How then would we say we are 

Independent and Sovereign? ZANU (P.F.) does not 

believe in paper or flag independence. This is why 

ZANU (P.F.) launched the Third Chimurenga, which 

must now expand to other sectors of the economy until 

our people cease to be minors in their economy.” 


The above statements clarify that the isolation often spoken of in western media is a political one, on the part of some western powers, who consider the Zimbabweans to have taken their Chimurenga (shona language for “revolution” too far). I.E, While the former colonial powers where forced to accept the political independence of Zimbabwe after the victory of the second Chimurenga, the former colonial powers nowadays who desperate in trying to maintain their influence in the post colonial world, are less inclined to accept the  the third Chimurenga, which focuses on enhancing the economic independence of the masses. 

The particular dynamics of Zim’s Revolution


Understood, the Zim revolution is not a one way road, it’s much more multi-facetted than that. 

To present a brief description of Zimbabwe's Chimurenga through it’s many stages, let us at first take a look at the initial phase of development after the attaining of independence, and abolishment of apartheid (I.E the advent of majority rule) In Zimbabwe.

the Zimbabwean revolution  during the first decades after independence naturally focused  on matters such as education and health together as well as peace and reconciliation programmes for political stability, Considering the prolonged years of  armed struggle for liberation. A similar series of event have taken place in in many post colonial countries since, such as South Africa, Namibia, Bolivia and Venezuela to name a few. 

Where as the early 90’s characterised a weakening in the position of influence of the camp of progressive nations. The late 90’s and the dawn of the new millennium saw a significant weakening of the imperial bloc, which created new impetus for dynamic development in the post colonial bloc, through enhanced Mutual co-operation which created new room for economic development which in the preceding decade had been more complex   to pursuit because of fragile economic foundations and political instability which was inherited from colonialist governments. 

 In the late 90’s Zimbabwe the land reform was further enhanced - furthering empowering the masses of Zimbabwe, and further reshaping the economic, and socio-political landscape of post colonial Africa. The predominant focus on indigenous empowerment and self reliant house hold production rather than the exporting crops of the colonial era,  has truly infuriated the western powers, who repeatedly have tried to sow the seeds of discord and interfere in the internal affairs of the Zimbabwean nation.  However The Zimbabweans having lived under the colonial yoke of settler colonialism  are well aware that Unity of purpose is key to victory, and they are fully aware that the construction of an independent society, is no simple task.

For as R.G Mugabe put it on the eve of his election as the independent republics first prime minister in  march 1980: 

“I wish to assure all the people that my government will 

strive to bring about meaningful change to their lives. But everyone 

should exercise patience, for change cannot occur overnight. For 

now, let us be united in our endeavour to lead the country to 

independence. Let us constitute a oneness derived from our 

common objectives and total commitment to build a great 

Zimbabwe that will be the pride of all Africa. 

Let us deepen our sense of belonging and engender a common 

interest that knows no race, colour or creed. Let us truly become 

Zimbabweans with a single loyalty. 

Long live our freedom!”

Here in the west people tend to denigrate the vast achievements of the Zimbabwean people and many people in the imperialist media, seem only interested in reporting on “hardships from a country on the brink of disaster” The imperialist media, make political statements rather than working in all honesty to raise awareness of the true dynamics of developments in Zimbabwe - and not only that, they take every opportunity they can, to created the faux dishonest picture, that the people where better of during the colonial era. I.E. better of with Apartheid (!)  this vile fascist apologetical  sentiment is historical revisionism fused with White supremacist ideology of the worst kind which  aims at demonising every activity of the majority government. The majority government on the other hand through maintaining a progressive, anti imperialist and people centred approach remains the hope and inspiration of  justice seeking people everywhere.  

“No challenge or hardship can ever overcome the sense of being independent”

In Zimbabwe there is a saying:

 “No challenge or hardship can ever overcome the sense of being independent” As Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe expressed it, in a speech to celebrate Zimbabwean Independence 28th anniversary  the 18 of April 2008.

This  “we never give up mentality” of the courageous  Zimbabwean masses, is nothing to look down upon. If one applies the correct understanding of the dynamic Zimbabwean revolution and rids one self of prejudice and mechanical approaches towards applying political theory. Then I am certain that any peace and justice loving person will see, the just struggle spearhead by the Zimbabwean masses in a different light,  - as it rightfully serves as a great source of inspiration for everyone  by the way it’s also a great testament of the fact that amazing things can be achieved through unity of purpose, regardless of any hardships. 

The myth of Zimbabwe as an isolated “axis of evil” type country

The western media likes to mislead people describing Zimbabwe as a isolated “axis of evil” type country.

Yet if you looking deeper into the matter, and rid yourself of such a “the west is the best” perspective, you will soon realise that the realities of Zimbabwean society goes far beyond the perception of western imperialism and that the majority rule government is very different for traditional bourgeoisie styled western democracy. 

 for the western establishment who  are Rhodesian - white minority fascist rule loving  bourgeoisie to accuse the majority government in Zimbabwe to be racist dictatorship or “reversed apartheid” is not only hypocrisy at the highest stage but more importantly a big insult to the peace loving, politically aware and progressive Zimbabwean masses. The above mentioned cheap slander hurled at the Zimbabwean people’s government, goes hand in hand with the economic ware fare of sanctions and embargoes and the like. such slander is only Polluting the media to hide the truth about the progressive nature of the Zimbabwean government.  

I Advise progressive, peace loving youth to be aware of this fact and see through the imperialist schemes. In ending let me just quote Comrade Joice Mujuru, Hon. Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, who said the following at a training workshop for ZANU PF political commissars and other invited guests in march 2007. Apart from her role in the people’s government Comrade Joice Mujuru is also the party second secretary and member of the presidium and politburo of the ZANU (P.F.) Party

It is now apparent that the current machinations are a calculated move to cause civil disobedience, fronted by the opposition forces in order to effect a regime change and thus reverse the gains that ZANU PF and its government has achieved in empowering the black majority. By distributing land to the black Zimbabweans, we obviously touched a raw nerve, for which our former colonial masters will work day and night to ensure other former colonies do not follow suit. In other former colonies, political independence has not been followed by economic empowerment of the indigenous population. The former colonial masters will therefore do everything in their capacity to ensure that the model adopted by Zimbabwe does not succeed.

Just like we sacrificed to liberate this country politically, we should expect to be demonized as we fight to control the key means of production. The dream of an independent African country where the black majority control their key factors of production and where the indigenous population legitimately become very rich, should however spur us on!
In opening this workshop, I must point out that as a Party with a revolutionary history, ZANU PF is guided by clear ethical standards, values and norms.

The above underpin the guiding philosophy that has continued to provide the ideological focus for ZANU PF as a mass Party. Today the Party has continued to subsist, deriving its support from the following groups;

i. The Peasants - an integral pillar of our liberation struggle;
ii. The workers - the majority of whom were getting subhuman wages prior to our hard won independence;
iii. The business people - the majority of these are direct beneficiaries of our indgenisation drive;
iv. Women - vana amai vaibikira nguva yehondo uye varamba vari musimboti womusangano wedu; and
v. Progressive youth and students - the future leaders to whom we have a duty to pass on a strong, united and ideologically sound party.

The above social groups remain very critical in the survival of the Party. It is therefore a big challenge that the grassroots leadership must find ways of winning the hearts and minds of these groups and keep them in the fold of the Party. Expectedly, they have become prime targets for regime change agents, especially the youth, students and the workers. It is your key role to ensure that those bent on reversing our hard won freedom do not win the hearts and minds of the above critical groups.”

The Correlation Between The Financial Crisis and Wars in the World

The Correlation Between The Financial Crisis and Wars in the World as described by 

Dr. Adel Safar, Honourable Minister of Agriculture in the Syrian Arab Republic

By Jan Freidun Taravosh

November 29th 2009

 General Introduction:

As a committed follower of the Non Alignment Movement’s policies and activities, one thing that is always interesting , is to keep track of  statements the organisation as a whole or certain member states  make on the international arena. 

Recently a world food summit was held as organised by United Nations Food and Agriculture organisation, in Rome where many NAM states - including the Syrian Arab Republic took part. For some reason reports on the content and impact of this summit has been scare due to the bias of western media. This article aims to deal with this matter. please be advised to read The What is Nam section if you are not familiar with the non aligned movement. If you are already aware of the NAM scroll down to the main section of this article: “The financial crisis coincides with wars and disasters in many regions of the world” which is based around a recent statement from the Syrian delegation at the aforementioned summit, with my reflections added to it. 

What is the  NAM?

In the founding of the NAM. a viable alternative both to NATO and the Warsaw Treaty came into existence. And ever since  it’s  foundation in the mid 50’s

 The NAM has been a most dynamic anti imperialist movement upholding the values of Independence, sovereignty and self-determination.  In upholding these values, The NAM is committed to the establishment of a multi-polar world order, which favours, co-operation based on respect of sovereignty, peace and mutual benefit. The Nam also advocates non interference in the affairs of other member states in accordance with the above. On world arena of world politics, dominated by imperialism - The NAM is reliable counter force, A progressive and dynamic force, which remains an inspiration for committed to the establishment of a new, just world order. NAM also successfully gives, developing and post colonial, progressive and independent states a more prominent place in world politics, which these states are often denied due to the colonialist structure of the United Nations in general and the security council in particular. NAM also gives a voice to the oppressed, peace loving and freedom seeking people all over the world, through it’s persistent stance against global imperialism in all it’s manifestations - a  fact that became apparent during the recent World Food Summit in Rome - exemplified here by the statement of Dr. Adel Safar of The Syrian Arab Republic - a representative of a nation that generally is not given much attention in the imperialist media 

The Syrian Arab Republic is one of the NAM’s 113 member states.

Main Article:

“The financial crisis coincides with wars and disasters in many regions of the world” 

Extracts from a statement by Dr. Adel Safar Honourable minister of agriculture in the Syrian Arab Republic at the world food summit in Rome 16-18 of November 2009, commented by Jan Freidun Taravosh

“The  financial crisis coincides with wars and disasters in many regions of the world, causing damage to agriculture, degradation of living standards in most affected areas and increase of hungry people number in the world. Climate Changes hit many parts in the world last years and caused damage to huge crop areas in several agricultural countries, so food supply reduced and demand increased causing high prices. All these conditions show clearly the great need for the actual and active role of international organisations and bodies to help developing countries in provision of food requirements and improvement of economic and social conditions of their citizens. [...] “Ladies and Gentlemen: Under the current drought crisis and its continuity in addition to what is practised by the Zionist entity in Palestine, the comprehensive siege imposed on the Palestinian people and recently the use of various chemical weapons and deprivation of Palestinians most important right, namely food, we would like to emphasise the necessity of international intervention to practice pressure on this entity to lift tyranny and siege over the Palestinian people.  FAO should play an effective role to reach a good and promising level of  responsibility in providing food an medicine to this nation. “

In addition to Dr. Safar clear perspective of the socio-economic dimension of the food security question. Dr. Safar further explained how The Syrian Arab Republic is no stranger to the concept of sustainable development:

“Dear Audience: The Syrian Arab Republic achieved a great progress in developing agriculture benefiting from modern production techniques to improve the income and achieving self sufficiency in addition to providing a good surplus where many programmes are adopted aiming at  achieving a sustainable agricultural development by supporting the scientific research. “ 

Before ending his prominent speech Dr. Safar also displayed The Syrian Arab Republics, openness towards international co-operation, for mutual benefit, and humanitarian causes which single handily dispelled any misconceptions of the country as an “isolated state” as the Syrian Arab Republic is often erroneously portrayed in the West 

I would like also to thank, organisations, commissions and financing funds working in Syria, especially for the distinguished and successful results in the field of agricultural development, and development in general. We are looking to deepening this co-operation and supporting the organization’s perspectives and plans in developing the needing countries in the world and alleviating farmer’s poverty”

Thus spoke Dr. Safar of the Syrian delegation. The conclusion one has to make of the above stated, is that one should try to broad one’s view of the world at large. Before ending this article -

 I can honestly say that through out the world, lots of fascinating things are happening, which moves us far beyond the general perception of development in the western hemisphere, which remains dominated by imperialist powers. These unipolar dominance of imperialist  powers who maintain a demeaning colonial outlook, towards the progressive and independent states in the post colonial world, results in a biased perception of development in this part of the world. I decided to put my main focus in this article on  Dr. Safar’s statement as I think it demonstrates a perspective that moves beyond the above mentioned imperialist/colonial concept of reality and provides us with a more dynamic understanding of the  development world as a whole - in a way that it is rarely described in the west due to prejudice. If you ask me all this  serves as proof, that the  western liberalist perception on the importance of openness is  merely a  rhetoric expression. Fact is that you don’t even have to agree with everything in Dr. Safar’s statement to realise this.