My topics

onsdag 5 maj 2010

Summit for Pan African revolutionary liberation movements held in Tanzania today

The Harare Herald made an interesting article on the fact that a summit involving all the PAN AFRICAN liberation movements of southern Africa, is taking place today, of all revolutionary parties, MPLA ZANU PF AND ANC to name a few, all share a common history in fighting colonaliasim and working to build an independent society based on the principle of majority rule.
The summit provides a good oppotunity to share experience not only from the trenches but also the experience of government, looking ahead to the future, the fraternal parties will also evaluate the current challanges ahead, such as the development of the independent economy, and political stability.

President Mugabe leads the ZANU DELEGATION

torsdag 29 april 2010

Zimbabwe 30 Years of Independence: remembering history and looking ahead towards a prosperous future

April 2010 Zimbabwe celebrates 30 years of independence since the apartheid regime, while there is emphasis on never forgetting history and occasion like this also is an oppurity to look ahead towards a prosperous future, not only has the recent years invovled a streghenting of the people centered economy, the advent of the memorandum of Understanding, and the inclusive government suggested by President Mugabe has also provided a solid ground for political stability in the country.

at indpendence day, even Queen Elisabeth sent her greeting to the zimbabwean people

"As you celebrate your national day, I have much pleasure in sending my warmest greetings to the people of Zimbabwe, together with my best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous future,” hopefully the above is a reaffirmation of a better attituted towards the former colony and that can provide new ground for bilateral relations and common understanding to be strenghtened.

onsdag 24 mars 2010


Availble now is the foreign ministry statement of the DPRK first issued in januari and now availible online through

With the recent event on the korean peninsula and the agreed framework on denecularisation having been disrupted time and time again, will The U.S comply with the DPRK proposal and replace ther armistice with a genuine peace treaty. The korean issue is most sensitive and the peaceful resolution is paramount for world peace and political stability world wide. It would also remove obstacles which hampers the Economic development in korea due to the fact that Korea remains a devided nation since the end of world war two and that the Koreas are being forced to spend big figure sums on war deterrent as well.

tisdag 23 mars 2010

the imperialist devide and rule policy towards I.R Iran will never work

Speaking at the occasion of celebrating new year in mashad, Sayyid Ali Khamenei said that the U.S are not in position to talk about human rights, more over as the iranian spirtual leadaer went over the case that of outside interfereence during elections and proved that any such attempts are doomed to faliure.

He also went over that now is the time to double our efforts for further development and progress, and as the article on states: "The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution touched on the new Iranian year which was named "The Year of Intensified Effort and Labor" and added that choosing names for every year is not a ceremonial move and will not help solve all the problems of the country either. "Rather, it shows everyone the right path. And considering the lofty goals of the country and the nation in the current year, everyone should have great determination and make more serious efforts."

Khamenei rounded of his speech by saying that development is essential in his own words_ He said that dividing the people into "losers and winners" and "the majority and the minority" was a clear plan by the enemies which was aimed at creating discord among the people. and further he presented the essence of the revolution:

"The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution further touched on the necessities of the fourth decade of the Revolution which has been named the decade of justice and progress. He said: "Considering the realities and the fact that the required infrastructures have been created, the fourth decade of the Revolution is an appropriate time for taking great strides towards achieving progress and administering justice."

noticing that the I.R is still an country going through dynamic development the leader of the revolution also noted that: "that fighting poverty, corruption, and injustice are the most important areas in which the country is in need of intensified effort and labor. He further urged everyone to make non-stop efforts to achieve this fundamental goal."

One should always be happy to see such comittment to development in all feilds of society, yet in the west, journalist do nothing other than bad mouthing I.R Iran, it's immature

Iranian Revolutions brings new dynamic to the world

As it has been declared time and time again that independence is precious
one such example is the dawn of the Iranian Republic under the banner, neither east, nor west - islam is for us. The iranian revolution brought a new dynamic into the world scene of politics. and this year, the victory of the revolution celebrated 31 years anniversery.

The Permanent mission to the UN of I.R Iran issued a press release, in february: which said

"Thirty first years since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 in Iran led by the late Imam Khomeini (R.A) the nation feels stronger ever and as resolved to defend the legacy of the Revolution. This is all the more important as the Islamic Republic of Iran has endured all sorts of challenges masterminded by certain domineering powers, including 8 years of imposed war, terrorist acts which claimed the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and officials, economic sanctions as well as poisonous interferences in our internal affairs and psychological warfare which continues up to now."

there are obstacles but it is certain that the soverign people of I.R Iran can over come them

måndag 22 mars 2010

declare Nouroz an international day in the UN!

For what it's worth many people think Ill of the islamic republic of iran without having first hand information.

For those who are genuinely interest one great source is Permantent mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the united nations.

Speaking of which at the dawn of this new year his excellency the deputy ambassador Mr. Eshagh Alhabib presented his suggestion to declare the frist day of nouroz an international day. In his speech to the UN he thus said:
"Mr. President;

Nowruz marks the first day in Persian New Year. In harmony with the rebirth of nature, Nowruz is celebrated on 21st of March that is the very first day of spring of each year. But Nowruz, with all its customs and rites, is much more than a date marked in our calendars. It conveys a deeply-rooted culture which brings hope, peace andprosperity to the millions of peoples around the globe, regardless of their ethnicity, political or religious views."

what is decribed above is a truley magnificent day for peace and a multilateral org. comitted should not hesitate on declaring this day a international holiday.

It would also be benificial for anyone comitted to international development who wants to know more of the countries that suggested this, for as Mr Alhabib said: "Today, I have the honor and privilege to present to you the draft resolution A/64/L.30 Rev.2 dated 18 February 2010, entitled "International Day of Nowruz”, jointly prepared by Afghanistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Turkey, Turkmenistan and Islamic Republic of Iran. The first draft of this resolution was issued on the 2ndof December 2009. Since then, it has been subject to extensive informal consultations between its main cosponsors and the membership of this august Assembly with the aim of reaching consensus. And now the time is ripe for formal adoption of this draft resolution that we, the main sponsors, firmly believe embodies one of the most prominent objectives of this Organization, namely strengthening global peace through knowledge and respect for national cultures, world cultural heritage and cultural diversity."

Nouroz has always been my favourite holiday, so I hope this resolution becomes a reality so that noone will feel estranged towards the message of peace and hope that nouroz brings us.

lördag 20 mars 2010

Nouroz a time to double our amibitions and strive for developmet and progress

Sayyid Ali Khamenei the spiritual leader of the revolutionary council explained in the I.R Iran news network website that this is the year to strive for further progress and development, by showing comittment and faith. he declared this year the year for double ambibition and urged the people to see with clarity the danger of the devide and rule policies that were pursuited by the imperialist camp during the june presidential elections last summer.

the Islamic republic is a state going through dynamic changes, yet if the people remain comitted to the amibitions of do their best and take higher steps to get closer to the peaks of development and justice in different economic, cultural, political, social and development fields through relying on God and strengthening knowledge and faith - As Imam Khamenei said the people united than really make wondeful things happen. the western powers will surely sooner or later have to accept that we live in a multicultural and multipolar world and that the people of iran must choose which political system is most suitable for them without any outside pressure or intimitadation.
the Islamic Republic regardless of what you think of it is an independent state and not a westren colony, and should not be prosecuted for not following suit EU STYLE.
Nouroz Mubarak 1389
tell it to em Khamenei!

Forward with the year of double amibition respect the Iranian people and their famous revolutionary slogan "neither east or west islam is for us" respect iranian indepence and accept the victory of the revolution.

fredag 19 mars 2010

sweden zimbabwe relations improving?

An article published by the zim embassy in the Kingdom of Sweden, indicates that relations between the two countries are steadily improving. The relations between the to countries dates back to the days of revolutionary liberation struggle were the hon. prime minister olof palme a friend of his then zimbabwean counterpart was very principal in providing humanitatian assistance and progressive solidarity to the people of zimbabwe, more recently, the kingdom of sweden has had a conservative coalition regime under the leadership of the moderate coalition party. they policy towards zimbabwe has also gone from better to worse after the swedish state became an european union state, after which the imperial policy of the united kingdom has been endorsed by the government of this much smaller kingdom.

Never the less the article brought out by the embassy if zimbabwe shows and interview with swedish ambassador ryland who encourrages swedes du invest in zim without hesitation, this is a good sign.

lördag 13 mars 2010

Agrarian revolution key to Zimbabwean development


ZANU as a grass roots movement reflects the political ethics and cultural ethics of the majority of the people of Zimbabwe, while there may be some aspects of Zimbabwean politics that may seem strange to a westener, most people can relate to the correlation between agriculture and development beacuse there is an obvious link to this regardless of what cultural herritage you inherit, and regardless of where you live, regardless of the colour of your skin, your creed, political views, your gender or your sexual orientation among other things, few people can agrue about the central role agriculture plays for in the over all development of society.
Suggestions up for discussion on what to include in a new constitution

in the case of a new consitution being drawn and accepted by the public
the party ZANU PF have already started suggesting themes and topics on what to include in this proposed new constitution if it becomes a reality, some questions seem to be more peripheral compared to others, among other things the number of terms for a President among other things, but never the less the party has provided a new angle to the importance of agrarian revolution by stating in the Herald today March 14, the importance that the consitution must express the need for the state to guard the gains of the revolutionary struggle. Harare Pronvince ZANU chairman Cde. Midzi explained: "The district chairpersons will collect the document and distribute it among members. The position paper contains our thoughts as a party on various issues that we need to be in the new constitution,"
the policy paper also reveals that the party is of the opinion that:
"The liberation war was fought to regain land. Therefore, the State has the obligation to compulsorily acquire land for resettlement purposes, compensation for the land acquired should be borne by the former colonial masters,"

the policy paper also makes clear that the party suggest that the constitution shouls ensure individual rights such as
Rights to life, liberty, security, freedom of speech, education, political rights, agricultural land, protection of law right to property and right to information.
A new phase in Zimbabwes society building?

ZANU also see it as important to maintain and safeguard african cultural norms, some of which differ from traditional western norms, however one must always remember that the Republic of Zimbabwe is an indpendent state and that the people of zimbabwe have fought for their sovereign right to self government. Now the delibrations and suggestings for a new phase in Zimbabwean society building is on the way.
The role of the solidarity movement

as bystanders, within the solidarity movement we can only hope that everything works out for the best and that the purposed new consitution if it happens correnspondes well to the social, political, cultural and spiritual needs of the Zimbabwean people, or at least the overwhelming majority, as solidarity workers we must remeber we can embrace the Zimbabwean people and support their inalienable right to self goverment, but we cannot decide what is suitable what may or may not be suitable to include in the constitution, we can only put our faith in the that they will decided what is suitable for them and accept this. It obvious of course that Zimbabweans who know their own culture better than we do.

Suggestion: No to the Prime minister, but yes to the Council of Cheifs

according to the policy paper with suggestions for the new constitution ZANU [P.F.] suggest Executive President as Head of State and Government and Commander in Cheif should after being elected be authorised to appoint one or two vice presidents, however the party suggests that there should be no prime ministers, however the party suggests that the right to african traditional Cheif representation should continue to be maintained through the council of Cheifs.

fredag 12 mars 2010

PM Tsvangirai clears up misunderstanding concerning the empowerment law

Speaking to the press an quoted on the issue of the meaning and purpose of the Empowerment Law in Zimbabwe Prime Minister Tsvangirai in a very few words made clear a very common misunderstanding, especially in relation to the grass roots and foreign investment issues.

The PM thus said and this is a direct quote from the Zimbabwe Guardian at the 12th of march 2010
"Sometimes investors get alarmed when a policy is announced without clarification, but I want to assure you that the policy is in the best interests of the people of Zimbabwe.

The policy intends to enhance local participation and, of course, not the enrichment of a few people"

The PM minister makes a mature stand in putting aside any personal issues and focusing on putting the general populace first, and as such the message he brings is one of profound meaning for the unity and political stability in Zimbabwe.

One can make the neccisary conclusion that PM Tsvangirai in recent times has grown as a politician putting behind personal and meaningless squabbles and focusing on genuine development and people centred issues, As it seems this man will no longer allow himself to become a mouth piece for imperialism or be used to plant seeds of disccord in independent African republic, it will be interesting to see how the western camp wil react to this change - will he now like the president be put on the eu/us sanction list and be prohibited from visiting the western bloc?

Jan Freidun Taravosh

Expansion of the fraternal cooperation between Iran and Zimbabwe – an obvious choice

Expansion of the fraternal cooperation between Iran and Zimbabwe – an obvious choice

“Iran has always denounced the illegal and cruel pressures by western countries against people of Zimbabwe aimed at making them surrender,"they are concerned about Zimbabwe’s independence therefore they are trying to dominate the country again -
The Islamic Republic will stand by Zimbabwe against "illegal pressure,"

Dr Ahmadinejad spoke frankly on the subject of anti imperialism and boundless international solidarity on the occasion of meeting Comrade Mutasa minister of state for Presidential affairs for the republic of Zimbabwe. The two political figures met in Teheran, the Capital City of the Islamic Republic of Iran the 12th of march 2010 and spoke honestly about expanding the fraternal ties between the two independent nations.
Dr Ahmadinejad – a reliable friend of the Zimbabwean People

Zimbabwe Guardian reported today the 12th of march 2010 of the delightful news after Comrade Mutasas visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Hon.
President of the Islamic Republic Dr. Ahmadinejad remains committed to the idea of maintaining and thus also expanding the already blossoming cultural and trade exchange between the two nations and people’s and more over the Islamic Republic remains a staunch supporter of the Zimbabwean People’s right to self government and the anti illegal sanctions line subscribed to by the Non Aligned movement world expanding and multilateral organisation that the Islamic Republic of Iran, just like the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Lao PDR among others are members.

The fruitful cooperation between Zimbabwe and Iran which has been not only maintained but expanded under Dr. Ahamdinejad’s administration shows that too countries despite cultural differences and each with it’s own characteristic style of governance can still find common ground for unfettered and unconditional cooperation in all sphere’s of development founded on the basic principles of mutual respect and mutual benefit.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has an unwavering position on this matter which remains solid and unchanged despite pressure from the imperialist camp in the west, this indicates the strong anti imperialist nature not only of the iranian revolution as such but on the dynamic force of the anti imperialist organisation that is the non aligned movement as a whole. As such the Non aligned movement was and remains a strong guarantor for peace and justice in the world more so than any other block past or present, as it embraces the cultural and social diversity of all nation founded on the principles of mutual respect and non interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states.
It is wonderful to see how the Iranians still remain this committed to the interantional solidarity across national and cultural boarders
At least the above is the opinion of this writer.

torsdag 11 mars 2010

Parastatals and Economic Stability

"There is political will on the part of the inclusive Government "
quoted in Zimbabwe Herald 12th of March 2010
Cde John Landa Nkomo Vice President of the Indpendent Republic of Zimbabwe
The Herald 12 of March 2010 reported that the The New Vice President of The Independent Republic of Zimbabwe today held an important one day workshop on the importance of economic stability in the development of the countries economy.

In being a skilled agitator and a veteran revolutionary and a long time serving politician Cde Nkomo remains well aware of the need of being pragmatic in correlations to questions concerning politial economy yet the Hon. VP is also aware of the vital importance of the fact that a popular leader must never to compromise the revolutionary ideals of self reliance, independence and the principle of always putting the people first, I.E regardless of goverment position a true leader must never forget the grass roots.

Thus there was two key issues in VP Nkomos presentation the one hand was the question of maintaining economic stability through stimualting parastatals, on the other how to maintain a dynamic development of the economy through investment without compromising the empowerment policies and the people centered economy programmes spearheaded by the revolutionary grass roots movement.

A curious reader may find the situation peculiar but in the face of the illegal sanctions there is no straight path to walk down for the Zimbabwean people, for as VP Nkomo explained well functioning Parastatals are vital for survival, yet investment from abroad cannot be totally ignored either.

Under the auspice of creative leadership from the likes of Cde Nkomo coupled with the comittment en masse from all corners all public strata in every region, the Zimbabwean will surely overcome any ordeal that might cross their path, a people united can never be defeated.
Zimbabwe finds herself in a dynamic phase of economic development right now, but it is almost totally ignored by the progressive minded people world wide.
over dogmatic marxists must realise that one cannot always go by the book
Long live the dynamic and independent Zimbabwean society
Kudos to VP Nkomo who is showing genuine interest for the common people and also for the way he showcases political determination.
Jan Freidun Taravosh

Why Won't Obama Listen to the Hon. PM

It's puzzeling, it's a ever estranging riddle it's as incredible as it is unbelieveable

Barack Hussien Obama II or should we say Mr President aka Mr Change has done it again!
acting out the exact opposite of the policies he won an election on!
As if the enlargement of troops to iraq and afganistan, and preparation for war in Pakistan and DPRK was not enough, what more has he done? in totally bush-esque fashion he has not only re endorsed but also expanded the embargo on Zimbabwe for yet another year. The man is carrying out the bush admin. policies - deluxe edition and why? we will never know

Mr peace prize has expanded the economic warfare towards Africa and turned a deaf ear to the diplomacy suggested by Prime minister Tsvangirai

Thus reports the Herald:
"barely a day after PM Tsvangirai had shifted his stance on sanctions, the Barack Obama administration extended its embargo by another year, insisting that more should be done by the inclusive Government."

Who's this guy to use economic warefare to put political pressure of a peaceful independent nation? Mr peace prize is just a stage name for Obama his real name is

Mr Two Timing Imperialist.

The grass roots used to have faith in this man, shame on him!

'Shame on you Mr Peace Prize, why are you so persistent on continuing in the same path as George W. ?

if you can't be bothered having the curtesy to answer to President Mugabes letter, Why won't you just at least listen to PM Tsvangirai, who came all the way from Zimbabwe just to see you? All sanctions must be removed, he knows it, you know it, everybody knows it

måndag 8 mars 2010

Comrade Zuma makes important remarks to the Queen of England and the Duke of Edinburgh

Reflections concerning important  remarks

 made by Comrade Zuma to the Duke of Edinburgh and Her Majesty The Queen of England on his visit to the UK.

A short article written by Jan Freidun Taravosh March 9. 2010


In his remarks on a banquet hosted by the Duke Of Edinburgh and Her Majesty the Queen of England - The President of South Africa- Comrade Zuma spoke frankly of the fact that South Africa is a multi ethnic and vibrant democracy. He made some very important remarks to the duke and the queen which I wish to dwell on a bit further.

Now contrary to common belief The South African people are not hostile to towards the bretons per se, it’s only that they like for instance the Chinese value their hard won independence and wish to be treated with respect and not as a colony. Comrade Zuma made clear that there is no general hostility or atagonistic sentiments between the people at large. Instead Zuma made clear of the historical bond between the people of south africa and the people of britian and how the people of the UK were also comitted in the Anti Apartheid struggle.

 A Profound Speech

What Cde. Zuma explained while thanking the rulers of britain for the invite and proposing his toast may look like a guest sucking up to his caretakers  but it was indeed a rather profound message. What Cde. Zuma meant and was aiming at is that the british can no longer look down upon the South African nation as a "meer colony" or "ophan nation" but rather the British must fully estimate South Africas potential as a dynamic nation and a reliable partner on world arena. When the ANC president is  speaking of partnership it is ofcource implied that there is need to recongise that all states are equal in the world,  and that people all over the world yern for peace and understanding. If you ask me this is what Zuma surely was aiming at, and this is what makes his toast remarks so profound, this is what makes these remarks more than just beautiful words.

 South Africa's Desire for international cooperation does not have to contradict 

the pursuiting of the Democratic Revolution on a national level

I.E. What we see from the South African experince is that pursuiting the democratic revolution on a national lever does not have to mean you shun all forms of co operation. What  it does mean is that you value cooperation on the basis of mutual benifit and respect, Thus to be frank, fact is as such the South africans, like the namibians and zimbabwians, who all pursuit a revolutionary cause all love international cooperation, what they gaurd against is blind exploitation and unfettered globalisation.


Back to what Comrade Zuma actually said that faithful day the 3rd of March


There are many South Africans of British descent. The culture, language, institutions, practices and values of this nation have left a distinctive imprint on South African life. There are many South Africans living and working in the United Kingdom. There are even more Britons living and working in South Africa. This enriches the strong diplomatic ties and healthy economic relations between our two countries.

Your Majesty,

Our country has done well since the demise of apartheid and the dawn of freedom and democracy 16 years ago. We have a strong and vibrant democracy, and treasure our freedom, non-racialism and civil liberties, as a people who fought so hard against oppression and racial domination. United in our diversity, we pride ourselves on being one of the most multi-cultural societies in the world. We are also making significant progress in working to eradicate poverty and to improve the quality of life of all our people, especially the poor.


What Comrade Zuma aims at is the fact that in the end, in all our endevours we are all human.


This is why Comrade Zuma according to me matches the criteria of a true international statesman, just like his Zimbabwean collegue RG. Mugabe and his predecessors Motlanthe, Mbeki and Mandela.

The Creation of Decent Work for All  People - the Central Economic Priority

Speaking directly to three of the most powerful people in the UK, The Queen, the Duke and the Prime Minister, Comrade Zuma, although always polite wasted no time on idle small talk. In his speech he proved he is a comitted politician at home and abroad and continued with saying:

The fight against poverty therefore remains at the heart of all our efforts. The creation of decent work for all our people is a central economic priority. We have a clear plan of how to achieve these goals and also want our efforts yield results faster. Externally, South Africa is also committed to contributing to the quest for a better Africa and a better world. We work with Africa and other development partners in towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals on the continent. In this regard, we acknowledge the contribution of the government of the United Kingdom, non-governmental organisations and the business community for their commitment to the development and growth of the African continent.

 Zuma a revered  international statesman

In many ways the tone of Comrade Zumas speech embodies the spirit of self reliance and pride of the whole post colonial continent, like Mugabe in Zimbabwe one can sense that this man lives and breaths Ubuntu, and this surely must have left a deep impression on the leaders of The United Kingdom. The Colonial Sun set  a long time ago, it’s time to see South Africa for what it really is an independent and vibrant democratic and multiethnic republic, which is evidently playing an increasingly progressive role on the world arena, not only within regional organisations like SADC, COMESA and AU but also multilateral international ones like the UN and th Nam and Forum for China Africa cooperation.

Zumas entire speech from the state visit to the UK is called ” Toast remarks by His Excellency Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, at the state banquet hosted by Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh 3 March 2010, Buckingham Palace, London

 as of today it can be found on the ANC website and it is a delightful read.

we also keep in mind what comrade Zuma said the day he was elected ANC president a few years ago (2007)

"While encouraging the creation of a conducive environment for investment, we remain cautious not to compromise the National Democratic Revolution, which is our guiding philosophy in policy formulation and implementation. Our Alliance partners are key stakeholders in policy development and implementation. We will be able to continue to work together as community, business and labour to find workable solutions. 

We are also going to sharpen our policy instruments with a view to having a direct impact in the fight against poverty, unemployment and underdevelopment. "


These remarks in combination with the above stated proves that after Zuma accended from party president to the Highest office in the Republic I.e State President he still remains true to his words.

High Potential in Mining Development says Comrade Mpofu

"We have a total of over 60 minerals in the country and (I) am sure that if these are properly exploited they can help spearhead Government’s economic revival programme. Even our detractors are aware of this and all this noise is because these people were benefiting from these minerals without us knowing,” 

 Comrade Mpofu online march 7-8. 2010

Mining can spearhead the economic development

Reflections over the content of a recent article in The Herald on economic development by Jan Freidun Taravosh

Comrade Mpofu on the ministry of Mining development in the republic of Zimbabwe, recently did speak to the people of the Republic on the matter of the Governments progressive economic revival programme

For those unfamiliar to the subject, let it just be noted in a very few words that aside from working to strenghten political stability and broad unity in the nation the Goverment also is spearheading a new economic plan to counter the effects of th illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by it’s former colonial master an her allies.



As a minister of mining Comrade Mpofu spoke with clarity on the subject that Zimbabwe as a nation was very rich in minerals and that a mining boom is to expect in the near future. Not only is 60 minerals under the control of the state, but apart from these there are good prospects for a new impetus as far as investments and fair trade are concered.


This can be concluded not only from Comrade Mpofu speech but also from the recent successes of the Empowerment law, which was passed in the parliament recently.

 To sum it all up.

 Now if we couple this together with the reality of the ever so positive look east policy, that even though it takes time provides investment on a fair trade basis with no strings attached, and then take a look  at the goverments self reliance approach and all in all you can see a mining boom in the making especially for those who thouruoghly has studied the new economic plan STERP, which can be download on various places on the web. See link:

 Also Worth noting is what Comrade Joice Mujuru the Vice President said at a UN meeting last year signified the need of political economy to always remain pragmatic and to remain with the aims at adjusting social injustices as a main goal in the face of a world economic crisis. Comrade Joice Mujuru expressed this in the following words:  in the recent past, driven by blind faith in the virtues of the market, the role of the state in the regulation of the economy was reduced. Reality has now dawned on many that the role of government is more pertinent, than ever in regulating financial systems, both at national and international levels. It is therefore important that developing countries be given the freedom to choose the best mix of policies to offset this crisis given their unique and individual social, political, economic and environmental conditions." 

Vice President Comrade Joice Mujuru at 

What Comrade Mpofu suggested above is in line with the same reasoning, social justice remains at heart of the people centered politics, as does the question of independence and  self reliance. At the same time the government remains sober and pragmatic when it comes to the role that investment can play in the economic development, but naturally investment is subordinated to the importance of over all empowerment, and no  foreign investment is never pursuited without taking fair trade and mutual cooperation into account, this meassure is a clever move as it gaurds the revolutionary government from falling into the trap that is neo colonialism.


Humanity Preceds Politics says Comrade Mugabe

"let's give peace and harmony a chance and work together"

 -President Mugabe addresses mourners to the late Mrs Susan Tsvangirai

Humanity preceds politics says Cde. Mugabe

Reflections on the Ubuntu Spirit which is alive and well in Zimbabwean society even at times of tragedy

By Jan Freidun Taravosh march 8 2010

A Sunday Mail reporter in article publiced on the 7th-8th of march., which brought the readers a story from a church service in Zimbabwe attended not only by members of the Ruling party but from all parties within the inclusive government.  What was the occasion you might ask

The occasion was to honour the memory of the late Susan Tsvangirai, the wife of the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe . MDC T leader and former trade union leader Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. Susan Tsvangirai passed away one year ago in a car accident.

 Other than being a beautiful memorial service it turned out to be a great day for unity and peace in Zimbabwe. 

Speaking at the occasion was Cde RG. Mugabe first secretary of ZANU [PF] and Head of State and Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe, who addressed the crowd with a slice of wisdom saying that there was need for Zimbabweans to reflect over the fact that  humanity precedes politics.

 Taking time to further elaborate on the subjectThe President thus said: 

"despite the political coats that we are always wearing, we are humans first and foremost. Politics come and go, but our ubuntu remains. We have one common denominator, we are one people and we are grateful for that”


The above stated comes in a time when the President along with all other political leaders in the inclusive goverment have encouraged all people to shun political violence which plays more in the hands of the imperialist devide and rule policies than furthering the development of the country.


While still in the church the president who is a principled revolutionary  as much as he is a devoted catholic talked about one of his favourite subjects - the  dynamic relationship between the church and state in Zimbabwe, as he underlined the need that political and religious leaders work together, for the growth of the all around society, in the same way as political parties in zimbabwe work together for a broad unity in all sphere's of development.


”While Government takes care of society’s other needs, it is the Church that is charged with the nation’s spiritual growth and well-being. Today’s youths should be taught the importance of ubuntu and that is the duty of the Church."

he continued by saying:

“Schools ensure that the youths’ academic side of education is taken care of, but the Church is charged with developing their spiritual needs.”

in the end although the memorial service was due to the loss of a loved one , it is obvious that yesterday’s service brought a new sense of hope to everyone who attended.

The spirit of Ubuntu surely is alive and well in all sphere's in Zimbabwean society, and as such the President also made clear that political voilence is not to anyones benefit.

The President's speech echoed that of the time when he addressed the mourners at the memorial service that coincided with the funeral of Mrs Tsvangirai last year when he said: 

'This is the hand of God.

'To our supporters we want to say violence should stop. That's what (Mrs) Tsvangirai would have wanted, for us to co-exist peacefully.

'We have just started a new life after years of fighting each other and insulting each other. We have said let's give peace and harmony a chance and work together.'

Hope for progress shines on despite difficulties on the Korean peninsula

"When the people's living standards are decisively improved, hooray for socialism and singing of Arirang of prosperity can ring out louder across the country and the gate to a prosperous nation be opened."

Marshall Kim Jong Il chairman of the  military comission of Korea and the Workers party of Korea
quoted in the new years editorial of 2010 at KCNA.CO.JP 
The Year 2010 or Juche 99 according to the DPRK calendar obviously seems to be a year of hope for the korean people, a year for development and socialist construction, for progress and for peace. The general populace who are still frustrated by the ever present treath of war that remains beacuse of the U.S. troops ' unwillingness to sign a peace treaty and leave the peninsula has been a treath to peace since the end of the 1940's and continues to treathen the political stability of the whole region even today. If we read the new year editorial published on Korean news agency KCNA we still have evidence that the korean people are comitted towards development and progress in a way that seems uneffected by the quagmire the people finds itself in due to the overhanging war treath.
 As such the new years editorial stated

"New Year Juche 99 (2010) is a year of general offensive, when all-Party and nationwide efforts should be concentrated on improving the people's standard of living on the basis of the laudable victory and achievements of the great revolutionary upsurge. 

Kim Jong Il said:

"Our building of the country into an economic giant is aimed, to all intents and purposes, at radically improving the people's standard of living. When the people's living standards are decisively improved, hooray for socialism and singing of Arirang of prosperity can ring out louder across the country and the gate to a prosperous nation be opened."

In the meantime in the midst of all celebration of the successes in socialist contruction that was evident also in the recent celebration of Marshall Kim Jong Il's birthday in february, difficulties  facing the country are also evident, internally broad unity and love of peace is the most common experience of the korean people, but in the south side of the country, which remains under occupation by U.S forces, the sense of war treath hanging over the region remains aparent. Thus Beijing review reported recently, that the US. ARMY recently advanced military drills and excercises that have been precieved by the koreans as nothing else other than preparation for invasion, which could pose a serious treath to the cease fire treaty of 1953. 
The DPRK although a developing country has been forced to put a large amout of it resources of defence mechanisms including nuclear war deterrents who are very costly, i.e we are talking about resources that would have been more useful elsewhere if the war treath was not as aparent as it is today.
The Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army reported that all people must be prepared for warfare if anything happens, 
as the war treath has been hanging in the air for a long time.

Yet when I look upon the recent developments in Korea, I would want to focus on the positive. Then I look up to what was expressed by Marshal Kim Jong Il the Chairman of the korean military commission.
His notes on the future plans for korea and for the general development and improvment of the living standards of all people, is great news.

Let us all hope that the Korean people's wishes to pursuit peaceful socialist construction can continue without restrains of further treaths of imperialist invasion.
The above mentioned so called "drill" is said to be planned to last until the 18th of March.

söndag 7 mars 2010

Comrade Nyoni on the Importance Grass Roots Development

For any progressive minded person, or for anyone genuinely interested in development, One could take time to read about Comrade Nyoni of Zimbabwe who apart from having the a merit as a minister for Small and Medium Enterprise for the ZANU P.F led government of Zimbabwe, she also has a merit of being a comitted worker rular devolpment on grass roots level.

As a figurehead for the Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress  of Zimbabwe Comrade Nyoni recieved the Right Livelihood Award in the Swedish Parliament in 1993. In the Acceptance speech, Comrade Nyoni reflected over the meaning of a people cntered outlook on development as she said "Winning this award is a reflection of the quality of people I work with and the Communities we serve. It is an honour not only for me personally but also for all the women of Zimbabwe, particularly the rural women who have taught me to be wise and patient but above all to be a strategist.

We are delighted that our conviction that a people's culture is an essential mobilising tool for development has received this International recognition. Indeed for us, this is the rootedness, the culturally appropriate path to development. We have pursued it for the last 12 years. This approach gives authenticity and power to the people. As major experts in their own culture, people thus take control of their development theory and practice."

The above said is as true today as it was then
the whole Acceptance speech can be read at

lördag 6 mars 2010

Is a New opening in the Zimbabwe - European Union Relations Possible?

 Pictures above: Picture 1.  Prime Minister G. Brown of the U.K. who puts a deaf ear to the question concerning the removal of sanctions put  forward by Prime Minister M.R Tsvangirai and President RG Mugabe of Zimbabwe (picture 2.


 Reflections on recent news on the sanctions issue by Jan Freidun Taravosh

6th of march 2010

In recent days President Mugabe suggested to Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, the honourable Prime Minister of Zimbabwe to plan a trip and set up a team to take the dicussion of the removal of sanctions directly to the EU and the U.S.

Speaking on the Topic of The Prime ministers recent anti sanctions statement, the President commented in Friday’s Herald:

”It is a good statement. He has done a good thing. It must be pursued. We would want to see him setting up a team that he believes can be effective in dealing with the sanctions.


It need not be a large team but an effective one to go to Europe and America. We, under the GPA, are expected to set up a joint team and we did so, but Europe said no to it. They would not receive it.”


The President has further adviced the Prime minister to summon a team on this diplomatic mission as the Western sanctions list prohibits members from the ZANU (P.F.) party to travel to the EU and U.S. on a regular basis.


Comrade Zuma forwarded his message to the ruling circles of the U.K. on a recent state trip, a message that echoed similiar statements already proclaimed by the SADC, African Union and the Nam. Yet Prime Minister Brown is still acting nochalant and he still thinks he has the right to set demands on the soverign nation about ”more progress” before sanctions are lifted. The strange thing this results in is that the former colonial power still treats Zim as if it was a colony. In reality the UK has no place in setting up demands or conditions towards the independent republic, and while other nations like Italy, Denmark and even the Kingdom of Sweden are becoming increasingly more open for cooperation, (see the  ARTICLE ON THE BEAM PROJECT )

it is puzzeling to see how the rulers of  Britain, are so stubborn in remaining in the past.

Why not just realise that the Zimbabwean People can decide for themselves?


 Say No to unwarranted  political pressure and economic warfare!

Treat the Republic of Zimbabwe as an equal member of the international community

The era of colonialism is long gone – Zimbabwe will never be a colony again

Down with the  illegal sanctions

onsdag 3 mars 2010

Zimbabwe:The People’s Government adopts new messures to further children’s education

The People’s Government adopts new messures to further children’s education

3/3 2010


Ever since the first days of the revolution Education has been a high priority for Zimbabwean revolutionaries. This is dating back to the time of liberated zones in the then british  colony Rhodesia  to the establishment of the republic  of Zimbabwe under the leadership of the patriotic front. As a young developing country resources have been scarce since the imposion of illegal sanctions and the government has been working hard to find alternative ways for funding, which has now entered a new phase. The goverment in conjuction with the unicef and other humanitarian organisations such as the Swedish International Development agency have now prepared a programme under the auspice of BEAM the basic education assistance module. All in All 30 million US dollars has been availed to cover education cost, examination fees and tuition fees as well as education for children with special needs


IT’s obvious that what we see now is progress in the midst of much difficulty


Zimbabwe government online and the ministry for labour social services indicate that apart from the already troubling sanctions, the educational sector has had other problems in recent years.

”A host of challenges have dogged the education sector in Zimbabwe over the past decade, chief among them dwindling resources from central government and the exodus of teachers to neighbouring countries, mainly South Africa.

The challenges have not been divorced from the illegal sanctions imposed on the country”


The BEAM project clearly is a much needed measure that will inject new life in the sector in a way that is needed to secure the furthure development of the society, this programme will certainly provide new impetus for civil servants at all levels to work more dynamicly for the empowerment of the youth. This does not take away the problems that has appeared due to sanctions as the current situation the country finds itself in can never be separated this reality, however it is never theless a creative meassure that opens up for new oppotunities especially for the most vunerable, the children with special needs.


The BEAM project shows that even in the most difficult times, all does not have to be lost

 with comittment a geniune people’s government can do alot for it’s people despite the fact that the central government has been effected by dwindling resources, it’s a matter of priority, and economic planning, it requires the leadership to be pragmatic and to think outside of the box.

Jan Freidun Taravosh



staterun and private companies exhibit in The Capital of the Islamic Republic to celebrate the opnening of the first halal exhibition in Iran.

The international halal fair brings together not only halal food but also halal medicine and cosmetics as well as hygienic products.

THE NEWS AGENCY of the islamic republic also notes that "On the sidelines of the exhibition several private and state-run companies held a festival of dates, pistachio and olive." the above stated proves to the world that there is a side of the islamic republic never heard of in the western press, a festive side and cultural side, which often gets lost in translation by the western media who applies a divide and rule policy only to plant contradictions and promote an imperailist invasion of the indpendent Islamic Republic.