My topics

tisdag 22 december 2009

The Importance of The Lancaster House Agreement

By Jan Freidun Taravosh december 22nd 2009

Yesterday marked a wonderful day in the history of the young indepent republic of Zimbabwe, This article will reflect over the fundamental meaning of this agreement.
As journalist Phyllis Johnson put it in her article Lancaster House revisited in marking the 30th anniverisery of the conclussion of the Lancaster Hous agreement. "Thirty years ago, on December 21 1979, an agreement was signed in London that set in motion a series of events that put Zimbabwe on the course to where it is today.

The signatures appended reluctantly to that agreement beneath the chandeliers and subterfuge of Lancaster House ended the war in a place that some called Rhodesia and signalled a different route to independence for a country that the majority called Zimbabwe. "
While the importance of the Lancaster House talks between the Patriotic front as lead by Comrade JoshuaNkomo and Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Colonial Athorities as represented by Prime Minister Tatcher and Lord Carrington, cannot be understade in the context that it brought an end to the protacted struggle and lay the foundation for peace and stability in Zimbabwe. As the Author of the article put it, it should also be noted the specific role the breakthrough of this agreement meant for world politics in general. With the conclusion of an agreement that recognised the Zimbabweans people right to land and independence and self rule - after thought deliberations signalled not only a change in the political situation in Zimbabwe but in truth it was a victory for all the downtrodden people struggling for independence in face of colonial exploitation and imperialist treaths world wide. The independence of Zimbabwe saw the end of a vile apartheid regime in southern africa, and provided new strenght and encourragement for fraternal people's in africa and beyond in the struggle against colonialism and injustice - Hence the Lancaster House agreement must be seen for what it was, it was an agreement where the bourgoise of the colonial athothies of the western world were forced to realise that colonialism was at worlds end and that the african grass roots movements must be recognised as the genuine representatives of the people. In the days of the liberation struggle. The progressive movements of Zimbabwe had simply been written of as barbaric, savage, and marxist terrorists. However as the struggle progressed The colonial athorities and the settler regime came to realise - however reluctantly that according to the people of Zimbabwe the patriotic front was a genuine pan african grass roots movement which could not be underestimated. i.e the lancaster house agreement finally recognised the grass roots movement as the true reprsentatives of the people and it also recognised the leaders of the grassroots movements as true human beings and not as sub human animals.
This is why Lancaster House has such a significant meaning not only to Zimbabweans but to people all over the world struggeling for justice, it teaches that a people united cannot be defeated and that presistent commitment to a just cause eventually recieves recongition, regardless of how dire the situation may seem at times. the Lancaster House Agreement also signalled the need that the british athoroties faced the music and realised the responsiblity the colonial athorities have in commencing the de-colonialisation process and work for peace in the region. Comrade Joshua Nkomo, crystalised the seriousness of this matter in his profound opening speech at the time of negatiotiations when he said: "The Patriotic Front, deeply conscious of the need to bring an end to racism and colonialism which continue to plague the people of Zimbabwe, welcomes the British Government's stated aim to assist in this task of decolonisation. We have come to London to attend this Conference in response to the invitation recently extended to us by you, Mr Chairman, on behalf of the British Government. For us our presence here is by itself an act of immense sacrifice. The scarce material resources we have had to divert and the manpower we must of necessity tie down in London for the duration of this Conference should be enough evidence of our seriousness and good faith. We have always said that we will leave no stone unturned in our struggle for the total liquidation of colonialism in Zimbabwe."

What has the lancaster House Agreement meant for today's Zimbabwe

In today's Zimbabwe the words of the now late Vice President Comrade Joshua Nkomo we will leave no stone unturned in our struggle for the total liquidation of colonialism in Zimbabwe. still live on in modern day Zimbabwe as the people of the Republic continue their struggle for economic empowerment under the banner of consolidating the Third Chimurenga. With the legacy of a protacted liberation struggle and a likewise protracted peace negotiation the Zimbabwean people will never forgotted all the hard work and sacrfice that was required to acheive their hardwon independence. As the People remeber the Lancaster House agreement, they will remember it as a big step in providing the foundation for political stability and peace, yet independence also has an economic dimension, and in remembering Joshua Nkomos words the people of Zimbabwe still remain committed to the total liquidation of colonialism in Zimbabwe. As they people of Zimbabwe derive solace from the history of landmark achievements for political independce as demonstrated by the conclussion of the Lancaster House Agreement they also remain committed to the pursuit of economic empowerment under the banner Zimbabwe will never be a colony again,

The Lancaster House agreement and the dynamic Zimbabwean Revolution (Chimurenga) teaches us that Independce is so much more than mere paper independce. This is a valueble lesson we all can draw from the curragous achievements of the Zimbabwean People who attainted victory not only at the negotiating table but also in the trenches thanks to their persistence, revolutionary unity and never give up attitude under the leadership of the Patriotic Front. Thus Zimbabwe remains a source of inspiration to people struggling for indpendence and justice world wide.

Pamberi Ne Chimurenga

A Deep Insight to the Dynamics of Soviet Government Beyond the Prejudice of Western Imperialism

A Deep Insight to the Dynamics of Soviet Government 

Beyond the Prejudice of Western Imperialism

a review of the book “Human Rights in Soviet Society” by Jan Freidun Taravosh

December 21st-22nd 2009

“There was no example and experience to draw upon, means were lacking and wars interfered. How we began, what difficulties and obstacles we surmounted and what we finally achieved are what this book is about”

-Konstantin  Ustinovich Chernenko


Konstantin Chernenko who grew up in Siberia during the serfdom of then Czarist Russia, uses the book Human rights in Soviet Society to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of life in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics drawing from the historical experience of the days of Serfdom in the Czarist empire, the the days of the Great October Revolution and socialist construction in the midst of world wars and imperialist pressure during the cold war.

Comrade Chernenko providing a deeper understanding of life in the soviet union

The Author presents even the newcomer to the subject with easy to access information. Although Comrade Chernenko several times refers to author such as Marx and Engels and other soviet leaders such as Brezhnev and Lenin, one does not have to be a specialist in scientific socialism to understand the basic  meaning of this book. 

Socialism, Capitalism and the Different Views of Human Rights

In introducing the subject the author makes clear the reasons why Human rights is perceived differently in capitalist society and explains what are the basic characteristics of these differences. Against the backdrop of U.S Imperialist vilification campaigns, which relentlessly attacks anything beyond the realms of imperialism. Chernenko explains the basis of this demonising campaign by saying: “Western propagandists try to present imperialism as a champion of democracy, humanness and justice. they lay particular stress on the ‘innate’ rights of man unconcerned with any socio-economic foundation. In turning to the special characteristics of development in soviet society the other does refer briefly to the basic concepts of scientific socialism such as dialectics and historical but does so not in such a way that the text becomes too theoretic, or too hard to access even for novice readers.

The books strength lies in that the book fully reveals a more diversified picture of Soviet government, far beyond the one sided perceptions that persist in the west. For instance the basic structure of the councils is explained, as is the organic unity of rights and duties in Soviet Society, which the author explains by saying the reader may ask on what basis the defenders of human rights make their attacks on socialism. “What they don’t like is the provision of the USSR constitution” which says: ‘Enjoyment by citizen of their rights and freedoms must not be to the detriment of the interests of the society and state or infringe upon the rights of other citizens, They regard the organic unity of citizens’ rights and duties as an ‘intolerable limitation’ of the rights of the individual. 

Chernenko answers swiftly to such claims by clarifying that the same relation between rights and duties is clarified in the universal declaration of human rights. In this way cherneko reveals that it is in fact rampant individualism that runs counter to the concept of democracy and human rights, not collectivism which remains a strong foundation for democracy.

An Rare Insight to the Diverse Dynamics of Soviet Society.

By  western historians and imperialist, The USSR was and still is (for the most part) referred to as a country isolated from the rest of the world, however Chernenko reveals it’s quite the contrary and apart explaining the basic concepts of governance  and life in the USSR. The government structure is explained at state level and grassroots level  alike chapters like “All Power to the Soviets” and The organisations of the working people, the dynamic life in the multiethnic society on the basis  is being dealt with in the chapter on friendship and fraternity, and one chapter is focused on the emancipation of women. apart from giving the reader a more dynamic insight of soviet society far from the one sided perspective dominant in the west, also proving that The USSR was far from isolated from the western world, comrade Chernenko makes a clear comparison between the electoral system of the United states and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, having been elected a deputy to the supreme soviet since 1966, the author shows that he knows what he is talking about. At the same time for one thing the truly progressive side of socialism is clarified in a way that it’s rarely talked about - for one thing did you know that the USSR as the first country in the world stipulated laws on sustainable development and environmental protection - and speaking of human rights this book duly clarifies the right to work, the right to education  and access to culture as a basic human rights  and as such it is a very enlightening and enjoyable read, a book that moves far beyond the prejudice of western imperialism and reveals a different side of the Soviet Union. 

Worth nothing is that at a the time of the Cold War demonising campaigns from the imperialist camp were hurled at the Soviet Union - nevertheless Comrade Chernenko stresses the importance of cultural exchange with western nations. As such this book is a true eye opener and I recommend it to anyone.


måndag 21 december 2009

Jiang Zemin, P.R China and the development of an all-around of a well-to-do society

  Jiang Zemin, P.R China and the development of  an all-around   of a well-to-do society

A review of the Book “On The Three Represents” By Jiang Zemin

By Jan Freidun Taravosh 20th of December 2009

“Communism can only be realized on the basis of a fully  developed and highly advanced socialist society.”

Jiang Zemin

As a vast developing country aiming to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in today’s multi polar world, the people of the China P.R in the 21st century find themselves in an unprecedented phase of dynamic development. This development is diversified and versatile but not much attention is given to it in the western media. The western establishment still maintain a very stereotyped and one sided view of  Chinese Society.

An in-depth look at Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the 21st century

In his book On The three represents, Comrade Jiang Zemin gives the reader a rare opportunity to get a more in-depth view of the all around development of The People’s Republic China.

as far as the historical development of political theory is concerned Comrade Jiang Refers both to classic works by Marx and Engels such as Critique of the Gotha programme, the communist manifesto and Critique of the political economy and works by other Chinese politicians like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, but whether you are an experienced scholar of Scientific Socialism or not “On The three represents” in dealing with the all around development of society speaks to anyone. While classic works of the founders of Marxism is mentioned and basic concept such as historical materialism and labour value and the correlation between foundation and superstructure, there is no need to be a expert in scientific socialism  to understand the contents of this book. the main focus of this book is the three represents I.E the productive forces the culture, and the overwhelming majority of the people. Comrade Jiang touches Chinese History also, but one does not have to be a history expert to understand the main aspects of this book. In reading it, the reader will get a wonderful insight in the fields of social and political development, management, education and culture as well as anti corruption. Interestingly the issue of disintegration of the union of soviet socialist republics, and the construction of socialism in different times is  analysed, and pressing issues in today’s china such as dynamic development of the productive forces cadre education and the fight against corruption. Thanks to Jiang, the reader gets a first hand account of the dynamic developments happening in the biggest development country in the world. While Human society has entered has entered the 21 century our country has entered a new period of development characterized by the all-around the  of a well-to-do society and acceleration of the socialist modernization drive. Comrade Jiang, in turning to the specific challenges facing the Chinese Society under the present era. “with our vast country, huge party membership and complex society it is impossible for us to be immune from all problems. but we should make sure to minimize  the problems

in turning to the relation between the political leaders and the grass roots movement, Jiang, like Comrade Mao Zedong before him, stresses the relation between the party and the masses, “make in depth studies and investigations of what is really going on, and adopt measures to step up the work and promote party building in a down to earth manner” 

The Importance of Engaging Society Building With a Wholesome Perspective

Jiang also stresses social development in a wholesome perspective, in providing guidance for society building

  does so in a way which is not heard of that often in the west on page 26. Jiang explains: “We should observe the inherent rules governing the contradictions of the productive forces versus the relation of production  and the economic base versus the superstructure during the current stage of historical development and guard against all forms of subjectiveness and one-sidedness so as to do an even better job.” 

Turning to political theory  Comrade Jiang, stresses that political theory can never be adapted mechanically and stresses how the concept of the three represents, answers to the current phase of development the country finds itself in (see page 29): “in building socialism the Chinese  way we do not have written answers to many of the questions involved and we have to seek answers from dissecting and summing up new situations and practices by applying the basic Marxist principles

On the Three Represents Gives the Reader a Chance to Understand China Without the Prejudice

ON THE THREE REPRESENTS is a great book and thanks to facilitation by the foreign languages publishing house of Beijing we get directly from the source material, from modern day China without the prejudice.


While the book may be rare it is never the less an essential read for anyone who wants to have a broader understanding of society building in the People’s Republic of China or scientific socialism in general. Overall development is an ever present theme, for as Comrade Jiang explains “Development is the absolute need this is a strategic concept we must stick to consistently this question should be viewed not only economically but also politically” and more over.  “Communism can only be realized on the basis of a fully  developed and highly advanced socialist society” 

The book is also great because it dispels many stereotyped conceptions of the Chinese people in general and Chinese society in particular. The book is easy to read, and deals with a very timely subject for everyone who wishes to know more about the  biggest developing country in the world, the important thought of the three represents was enshrined in the CPC constitution in 2002, as I said you by know means have to be an expert on the subject, a broader understanding of development in the world is to everyone's benefit. to be honest you do not even have to be a socialist or acquainted with the principles of scientific socialism, cadre education or democratic centralism beforehand.  Ask your local library for it, it’s a great and enlightening read!

söndag 20 december 2009

The Zimbabwean Lion Roars: Comrade Mugabe Delivers Sharp Critique to the Capitalist Leaders of the Western World

"The world economy is facing growing exposure to the vagaries of global 

warming and the general retardation of petroleum oils. In order to safeguard 

the socio-economic interests of present and future generations, more attentive 

focus must increasingly be placed on the development of environment-friendly 


R.G Mugabe 

Comrade Mugabe Delivers Sharp critique to the Capitalist Leaders of the Western World
By Jan Freidun Taravosh December 20th 2009


Comrade Mugabe, in attending official United Nations Buisness spoke out for all progressive people in the development sphere without hesistating when appearing on the UN CLIMATE CONFERENCE situated in  the Kingdom of Denmark.  Comrade Mugabe in his speech sought to Clarfiy the distatrous correlation between capitalism and climate change. Comrade Mugabe headed the Zimbabwean delegation, accompanied by among others Comrade Patrick Anthony Chinmasa - minister of justice and comrade  Mumbengegwi, former ambassador to Zimbabwe in the United Kingdom and current foreign minister of the independent republic of Zimbabwe
Comrade Mugabe Delivers Sharp Critique to the Capitalist Leaders of the Western World
 Furthermore Comrade Mugabe explained clearly how sustainble development contradicts and is incompatible with global capitalism, the President and veteran revolutionary leader made clear: "When these capitalist gods of carbon burp and belch their dangerous emissions, it is we, the lesser mortals of the developing sphere, who gasp, sink and eventually die.We are the drowning, we are the burning, indeed we are the tragedy that climate changes have turned out to be for the larger half of mankind. Yet we never caused this crisis"

The Pan African leader also clearly explained how the western leaders arbitrary nature in handeling these issues poses serious obstacles for for all the people world wide who strive for sustainble development and social progress - The President of Zimbabwe, by asking a simple Rhetoric question, he clarified the seriousness of this matter: "Where is its commitment to retributive justice which we see it applying on other issues placed on the global agenda? 

"Where are the sanctions for offenders? When we spew hazardous emissions for selfish, consumptionist ends, in the process threatening land masses and atmospheric space of smaller and weaker nations, are we not guilty of gross human rights violations?" 


I Think that ever one who due to western racist media are still under the impression that Mugabe is a madman. All of you should really let his words linger for a while, listen to what he actually says and then and only then make your judgement. Westen imperialist media who still maintain the colonialist frame of mind seriously effect how the general populace precive africa.. The above demonstrates that we have more in common than most of us actually think.
For as Comrade Mugabe honestly explained: " "We raise these questions not out of spite or vindictiveness, but out of concern for our very endangered livelihoods."

onsdag 16 december 2009

The Revolutionary Side of Islam

The Revolutionary Side of islam

A Review of the Book Islam and Revolution - Writings and Declarations by Ruollah Khomeini
16th-20th of december 2009
By Jan Freidun Taravosh

"Unity of purpose is the secret of victory"

- Ruollah Khomeini
All people who are sincerly interested in governance, social or cultural development or the dynamics of world politics, muslim och non muslim
alike cannot deny the active role that Islam plays on global political arena. In relation to this, all sincere students of islamology
find most western headlines on the subject laughable and and rightfully so, in western media ever since the triumph of the Iranian revolution, with was predominantly islamic
headlines such as the now infamous time magazine headline Iran vs The World has been the kind of headlines that have dominated the western media since the victory of the revolution in Iran
this has thus seriously affected the general perception of Islamic thought in the west in a really bad way. Especially since the Foreign policy of the Islamic Republic is founded on the principles of peace and mutual understanding and non interference

The above picture gives a clear example of the stereotyped western view of islam

The Revolutionary Side of islam as presented by Imam Khomeini
Ruollah Khomeini who is a leading figure in the islamic community although he passed away decades ago as
has been written of simply as a mad man, and little attention has been what the man actually stood for. Now regardless if you agree with the man or not he is one of the most important political figure of our time,
His teachings brought a new dynamic into the world of politics and saw the victory of an islamic revolution and the establishment of an Independent islamic republic,
which was unprecedented at the time.

The Book Islam and Revolution, Writings and Declarations part 1 is a perfect way of getting to know the revolutionary side of Islam
and it is a good oppurtunity to know the man under the turban.
Khomeini explains the true nature of why western capitalist leaders and imperalists oppose Islam with passion and clarifies that this has nothing to do with 
"concerns for human rights".

In the section Islamic Government, page 28: the Imam explains: "

It’s the religion of those who desire freedom and independence, It is the school of those who struggle against imperialism. but the servants of imperialism has presented islam in a totally different light, they have created in men’s mind a false notion of islam. The defective version which theyhave presented in the religious teaching institution, is intended to deprive islam of it’s vital, revolutionary aspect, and to prevent muslims from arousing themselves to gain their freedom [...] and allow them to live lifes worthy of human beings”

"Turning more closely to the anti imperialist nature of Islamic Thought, and the exploitive nature of capitalism Ruollah continues and says the following (page 39). "“If you pay no attention to the policies of the imperialists and consider islam to be simply a few topics you are always stuying and never go beyond them, then the imperialists will leave you alone - Pray as much as you like - it’s your oil they are after - why should they worry about your prayers, they are after our minerals and want to turn our country into a market for their goods. That is the reason the puppet governments they have installed prevent us from industrialising, and instead, establish only assembly plants and indystry that is dependent on the outsude world. They do not want us to be true human beings, for they are afraid of true human beings. Even if only one true human being appears, they fear him, because others will follow him, and he will have an impact that can destroy the whole foundation of tyranny, imperialism and government by puppets. [...] Now the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was also a political person.

The above state explains that what the western establishment really fear is the enlightened muslims, beacuse they know that a deep understanidng Islamic thought poses obstacles for imperialist interfernece in the muslim world and beyond This is what is made clear by Imam Khomeini, and that is the western media is trying to hide this fact away from the ordinary people.

Especially in the Era of the Western Imperialist war aganst 'terrorism'  - a time where muslims are taking the blame as scapegoats everywhere without any sense of reason. 

     With Knoweldge of this the importance of stuying and fully understanding Islamic governance and jurispudence cannot be overstated. Thus Ruollah Khomeinis book gives thereader a clearer picture of islam.

Regardless if you agree with everything in this book or not, it takes the dicussion of islamic thought far beyond the narrow minded frames of the western establishment, and as such it is a great read. For newcomers there is a great foreword which gives the reader a good introduction to the history of the iranian revolution and the life of Ruollah Khomeini. Don't be afraid to ask you local library for this book.

The Fifth ZANU (P.F.) People’s Congress - Putting People First

 The Fifth ZANU (P.F.) People’s Congress 

Putting the People First

By Jan Freidun Taravosh 13 of December 2009


In international politics the fact is the progressive side of Zimbabwean politics is often hidden away, the general populace here in the west are generally under the influence of the notorious demonising campaign originating from western imperialism and because of eacist and colonial perspectives of the established western media. Estranged attitudes towards

 Zimbabweans exist even within the progressive movement.

The side of Zimbabwe the west does not want us to see is the anti - imperialist revolutionary and people oriented policies of the ZANU (P.F.), which seemed to be alive and well during the congress.

Q:What is ZANU (P.F.)?

 A: ZANU (P.F) is a genuine Pan African and revolutionary grass roots movement. in the independent republic of Zimbabwe a landlocked country in southern Africa. (ZANU P.F.) led the liberation struggle against Colonialism and is committed to spearheading the dynamic Zimbabwean revolution, strengthening the people’s oriented ecenomy and consolidating revolutionary unity, safeguarding the gains of the revolution and the majority rule attainted after the defeat of the Rhodesian apartheid settler minority  government.


The importance of This Year’s People’s Congress

Although it was not given much attention in the west, fact remains that the revolutionary party concluded it’s People’s Congress yesterday drawing delegates from the countries all ten provinces, among other things the party elected a new Central Committee and endorsed a New Presidium and above all came out stronger united under the banner of putting the people first.

This years congress as indicated by Zimbabwe Government Online was held under the Theme “United in Defence of our National Resources and People’s Economic Empowerment” The Theme underlined the importance of collective strength over individualism and further it summarised the vital importance of economic empowerment among the masses as a means in safeguarding the gains of the revolution even in turbulent times.

The Importance of the Youth

During the congress the situation of the Youth was also contemplated and the importance of the youth was further stressed i.e who are better to safeguard the gains of the liberation struggle and carry on the revolution than the progressive youth.

 Special attention - it was concluded must be given to educating the youth:

In this era of globalisation, most youngsters live in the “here and now”. They have no time for history. If you want your political philosophy to convince them, you must first sell them a message that resonates with their everyday lives in various practical ways.” Worth noting is the fact that the Youth League also elected new leaders, showing a definite sign of a generation shift in the party. The wisdom of the experienced generation is handed over to the young as they pass the baton.

The Coalition Government Evaluated

The time that has passed since the Run off election and the commitment to the inclusive government was also evaluated. Where as the inclusive government has contributed to political stability and peace in the country in face of imperialist threat and divide and rule agendas, it was concluded that the coalition government still has it’s limitations and that the political movement must aim at consolidating the trust among the grass roots first and foremost. 

On Zimbabwe Government online it was explained in the following words:

“This is not to say the coalition arrangement is a total waste of time. It is not. Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations are all benefiting from the inclusive Government. But at some point one political party must gain the upper hand as the nation braces for what promises to be a bruising election.”

Serving the People’s Needs the Major Task 

Other than electing a new central committee and endorsing a new Presidium with Comrade Simon Khaya Moyo as the newly elected national chairman - The party stressed the fact that as the congress comes to close the major tasks for the revolutionary movement still lies ahead. As the party’s first secretary Robert Gabriel Mugabe rightfully put it Factionalism has no place in ZANU (P.F.) hence as the congress came to an end, the party stressed the fact that now when the debate is over the major task of serving the people’s needs  must commence. 

The theme of the congress should thus not only be applied on party building but more over also on productivity in general. It was decided that priority must be given to avail the needs of the farmers who are in need of special inputs. Decisive efforts must also be spearheaded to tackle the counter revolutionary force that is corruption. 

The Election of Cde Khaya Moyo as Chairman

A special notice should be made on the fact that Simon Khaya Moyo was elected national chairman. As Chairman Cde. Khaya Moyo will have a specific Zimbabwe in organising the movement. However it should be made clear that the democratic centralism the revolutionary party is founded on prohibits any given individual to stand above the party. 

 despite the common belief in the west that the new Chairman is somewhat of a “no namer” on the political scene truth is Cde Khaya Moyo is rich in experience as a diplomat and has served as ambassador for many years. 

He has been given an enormous amount of trust from his comrades. Yet it should be pointed out that the election of Khaya Moyo as Chairman has not turned ZANU into "Chairman  Khaya Moyo’s party”, the slogan of the party remains ZANU (P.F.) FOR THE PEOPLE, THE PEOPLE FOR ZANU (P.F.).

It is obvious that the party has come out of the Congress strengthened and revitalised. I for one think that Chairman Khaya Moyo’s rich experience of diplomacy will be a most valuable asset in strengthening the unity within the movement. 

The Hong Kong Question Clarified

The Hong Kong Question  Clarified

 A Review of On the Question of Hong Kong

By Jan Freidun Taravosh  16th of December 2009.

“Let’s Apply Ourselves to work with one heart and one mind"

- Deng Xiaoping

The Hong Kong region once a British colony was reunited with the People’s Republic of China in 1997 and brought a new dynamic into Chinese Society. How was the reunification carried out and what made the smooth transition possible, what role does The Hong special Administrative region play for Chinas overall development and how does Hong Kongs colonial heritage interplay with socialism with Chinese characteristics. All questions are answer in this book, which advocates broad unity and development.  Authored by Deng Xiaoping the Chinese leader who came up with the one country two system policy which provided a solid foundation for a peaceful transfer from the colonial authorities,  Hong Kong as a special administrative region maintains a large amount of autonomy which corresponds to the specific conditions and requirements of the china PR, as a development country. Due to Hong Kong’s colonial heritage and history as a sea port town it’s economic infrastructure difference somewhat from that of mainland china. Studying the nature of the Hong Kong question removes many misconceptions of The people’s republic of China as a one dimensional society and further Comrade deng explains this without any complications.

The book teaches us that , one cannot always apply political theory by going by the book but must take reality into account in doing so - Comrade Deng takes the Chinese reality a large multiethnic country into account stresses the need for political stability and stable economic development and makes clear how a economic system cannot not be copied and applied mechanically. This is a fact proven by history. Turning to the specific conditions of Hong Kong Comrade Deng explained: “in addition to stable economic development, Hong k needs a stable political system. As I have said, at present Hong Kong has a political system that is differ from the ones in Britain  and united states and will not copy any western system in the future arbitrarily copying western systems would cause unrest”

When Deng formulated the policy of one country two systems, he had a broad sighted definition of national unity in mind, i.e he motivated his position by explaining how forcing a political system on one another will only cause unrest and instability. Taking into account the Chinese realities and the realities of Hong Kong was taking in to account, and thus made a smooth transition from colonial power to sovereignty possible, without alienating the general public, or causing conflict, but instead promoting mutual understanding and cultural exchange on the basis of mutual benefit. Turning to the specific conditions that the people’s republic finds itself in as a developing country as in with the question of reunification, Comrade Deng as always stressed the need of thinking out of the box when it comes to developing the productive forces and the economy.  “we have opened some cities to the outside world on condition that  socialist econonomy remains dominant there. These cities will not change their socialist nature on the contrary the policy of opening to the outside  world will favour the growth of the socialist economy there” The hong Kong special administrave region place a unique role in the dynamic society that is the People’s Republic of China although a short pamflett 62 pages exluding the footnotes the book is as easy to read as it is informative, the book in an easily acessable way shows that there is far more  diversity to the China PR compared to what is usually recognised in the west. One for instance chapter in the book explains the basic difference of the Socialist democracy according to chinese realities and the western bourgiose and  democracy. the taiwan question is also breifly introduced anf question that would be further elaborated by Comrade Jiang Zemin in later years


This book was published by foreign languge press in 1993 and is a great,  inspirational and educational   read I two used to have a very one sided view on china before, but this was one of the books that really changed this for me. Comrade Jiang explains how the concept of one country and two systems was developed answering to the chinese realities and development conditions, this is important to keep in mind when reading this book -  and remeber think out of the box! this book shows a dynamic side of the Chinese society which is rarely talked about in the west, and as such it is a very enlightening read. It is good to know the basis of scientific socialism and chinese history before reading it, yet one does not have to be an expert, and the foot notes are helpful for new comers to the subject. students of history or international relations will take intrest in the except provided here from the deliberates between the central people’s Governent and the U.K. Students of Scientific Socialism will especially be delighted to find Comrade dengs speech to the Central advisory commision of the Chinese communist party from 1984, The book was translated into english by bureau for the compilation and translation of works, of Marx,Engels, Lenin and Stalin under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China  in other words it’s directly from the source.

 to put it short Highly recommended!. The basic principles are easily summed up

our basic position on the question of Hong Kong is clear there are three major issues involved one is sovereignty another is the way in which china will administer Hong Kong as to maintain prosperity [...] and still another is the need for Chinese and British governments to hold appropriate discussions on ways to avoid major disturbances in Hong Kong. [...]"

 The Essense of unity is brought up the simplest of terms that i think anyone can relate to, for as Deng explains, “we have a slogan ‘ long live the great unity of the Chinese Nation’ Right? So long as we stand on  side of the Chinese nation and help  safeguard its   general interests, all of us regardless of our different political views and including those who critizise the Communist Party can unite.”

this is what makes it such a wonderful book - the content is acessible to anyone so don’t be a stranger!

The Delicate Balance of Power and the Quest for Sustainable Peace in face of Imperialist Pressure During the Cold War

 The Delicate  Balance of Power

 and the Quest for Sustainable Peace in face of Imperialist Pressure During the Cold War

A review of the book “Our Aim is Preserve Peace”

by Jan Freidun Taravosh December 13th-14th

“A world without arms that is the ideal of Socialism”

Yuri Andropov


During my student days at Malmö Univeristy a couple of years ago I engaged studies on the subject  disability and culture. discussing  culture at university during the our source material  to my disappointed was more or less limited to western sources (Sweden, UK, U.S) I started scouting for alternative sources and this is when I found this book. At the time I had no idea Yuri Andropov had ever published books and to my delight it was very easy read.


The Quest for Austainable peace in face of imperialist pressure

 in the primary sections  Yuri Andropov in the primary sections deals with the delicate issues such as  arms race, Détente  and the quest for peace and stability and in this book. Yuri Andrpov deals with the state of the world in his speech during a plenary meeting of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in November 1982. 

In face of a delicate situation in world politics internally and externally Comrade Andropov stressed the importance of Unity. “Unity is our strength and our promise for ultimate success”

Further in the same speech Comrade Andropov stressed the fact that: “A World without arms that is the ideal of Socialism”  interestingly enough although the USSR was signatory to the Warsaw treaty Comrade Andropov in contemplating such issues as the quest for  world peace and security still comes to admit that the group of states that created the non alignment movement is growing in importance. Other than dealing with the general guidelines in dealing with the nuclear threat, safeguarding peace and stability or maintaining international diplomatic relations. Comrade Andropov also uses a section of the book to present a lecture on the teachings of Karl Marx and a Few Questions on Building Socialism in the USSR 1983. 

The Origin of Marxism - Leninism

In his lecture Andropov explains without any complication how the name of Lenin is inseparable from that of Marx. Andropov explains how Leninism is a necessary development of the revolutionary ideology awsering to the trend of the times and does so in the following   words “Leninism is Marxism during the Era of Imperialism and  Proletarian revolutions  during the collapse of the colonial system, during the era of humanities transition from capitalism to socialism.”  Andropov makes clear that Leninism provided the basic strategy for the socialist revolution pointing out that the October Revolution triumphed during new historic conditions which did not exist in Marx lifetime. Leninism as a revolutionary component of scientific socialism in the era of imperialism thus provided the correct path for the success of the October Revolution.

Socialism is not a matter of abstract ideals

Comrade Andropov also  stresses  Marx teachings was never about abstract ideals, but rather the product of an analysis of the objective contradictions of large scale capitalism. Furthermore he explains that the revolution expresses itself differently in different countries and in different times, i.e he makes clear that there is more than one definition of what a socialist society looks like. Comrade Andropov explains “ Everywhere where Proletarian revolutions have triumphed, public ownership, which  established in one form or the other has become the main factor for the existing socialism it’s foundation and progress."  

The point made that Andropov  to makes in his lecture on building socialism in USSR 1983 is that the basic principles of Scientific socialism must always correspond to the specific  development conditions in the given nation - hence the term public ownership in one form or the other.

This is as true today as it was in 1983. 

Andropov also deals with the subject of  the relation work and culture in socialist society in this book and explains how socialism successfully removes age old barriers between the two.


As noted this book was published in 1983 at a time were the balance of power was delicate and the quest for sustainable peace faced many challenges in face of imperialist pressure. 

The book was written in the time of the arms race and thus the book also deals with security issues and international relations in general. 

All in All I think it is a very good read, and would recommend it to anyone.  worth pointing out is that while Yuri Andropov is not talked about that often,  this does not make this book any less essential.  while some may argue that the parts of the book dealing with the arms race and nuclear threat seems a little bit out of fashion these days, I for one do not agree reading about the soviet point of view on these issues is a rare treat.  Regardless Andropov’s lecture on a few questions concerning the building of socialism in the USSR 1983 is especially worthwhile.   I would warmly recommend reading “our aim is to preserve peace to anyone , it’s a great read. Andropov, now who would have thunk it? 

For most people in the west the author of this great book is nothing more than a foot note in  history of the Cold War.

Chinese Socialism and the Diversified Economy as Explained by Comrade Jiang; A Short Presentation

Chinese Socialism and the Diversified Economy as Explained by Comrade Jiang 

A Short Presentation 

by Jan Freidun Taravosh December 14th 2009

ever since the day I joined the revolution, I've been cherishing the ideal to achieve Communism.

 And I don't believe this is a fading concept.”

- Jiang Zemin


 As Socialism with Chinese characteristics does differ a lot from the general and stereotyped view of Socialism in the West many people in the west remain largely unaware of the true dynamics of the Chinese Economy. This article seeks to bring further understanding on this subject. A  portion of this article is based on a CBS interview with Jiang Zemin dating back to 1997  all quotes are from this article. The main focus of my article here is to bring the reader a deeper understanding of Chinese Socialism and the specific dynamics of the economy in The People’s Republic. I decided to write this article because I think the general perception persisting in the west concerning the economy in China PR is  all too one sided and I am also of the opinion that the western perception does not reflect reality. All quotes are in italics.

Comrade Jiang explains the Basic Characteristics of the Chinese Economy

While in the United States on an official  state visit aiming to promote mutual understanding between the people of the United States and The People’s Republic, in October 1997 - the then President of the Central People’s Government Comrade Jiang Zemin and General Secretary of CPC spoke open heartedly about culture and political system. The interviewer  a CBS reporter named Jim Lehrer , asked among other things about the economic and political system of China - and needless to say  more clarity concerning  these issues is needed in the west.

China PR a Developing Country Going Through a Dynamic Development Process.

in the interview Jaing explained in very few words signifies which are the main characteristics  of multi dimensional Chinese society. Far from the Western stereotype. Comrade Jiang explained how the Chinese economy is diverse and dynamic, and most of all contrary to common misunderstanding, due biased reporting  The People’s Republic is in fact going through a dynamic development process. 

To give a clearer understanding of the situation on the ground Comrade Jiang explained: “Different countries have different historic tradition, cultural tradition, and level of economic development.” in stressing this fact Jiang  made clear that one must have an open mind as to understand that no countries look exactly the same, and that many factors determine the course of development for the given country.  

Turning to the side of economic development Comrade Jiang made clear the unique characteristics of the Chinese society which is often over simplified or ignored by journalists in the west: “In our endeavor to develop our economy, we will work to achieve a diversified form of ownership, with public ownership playing the predominant role. Under this mechanism we have the public ownership, collective ownership, private ownership, and even individual ownership.” 

The above statement clarifies the dynamic nature of the economy and clarifies   some basic principles of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Jiang also to time to clarify the basic political structure of the People’s Government, which as it happens may differ from western traditions of governance corresponds well with the specific conditions of the China PR.

With the founding of The People's Republic of China, the constitution of new China has been formulated which stipulates that the National People's Congress is the supreme power-holding organ in China.

At the same time, we also have the multiparty cooperation system with the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and we also have The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. And we have our state council which serves as the executive branch.”  

The above explains the Chinese reality of governance, and also gave further enlightenment to people who had previously no clear understanding of the specific features of the Central People’s Government in China. 

Jiang also took some time reflecting over the Chinese experience of building socialism and communism. He spoke from the heart and also made clear that one cannot apply political  theory in a mechanic way.

As the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, ever since the day I joined the revolution, I've been cherishing the ideal to achieve Communism. And I don't believe this is a fading concept.

However, I believe it's fair to say that perhaps in the past people had too much ideals. And now we need to work under the initiative of Deng Xiaoping. And we should also follow the concept, which I would like to quote a Chinese saying which is a thousand mile journey need to start from the first step. And, therefore, as I counted out in the report I delivered to the 15th Party Congress, we are now under the primary stage of Socialism. And, in the words of Mr. Deng Xiaoping, we are working to build a Socialism with Chinese characteristics.”

In this way Comrade Jiang makes clear that society building must always correspond to the Chinese realities. 

A few notes on Chine PR and international relations

 While Comrade Jiang as a representative of the Central People’s Government, and as a member of the CPC has ALWAYS been  a very prominent advocate for independence and sovereignty - This should not be misunderstood as the People’s Republic of China Shuns the Idea of cultural exchange and international cooperation. One example of this fact is that it was Comrade Jiang who stressed the importance of founding the Forum for China - Africa cooperation, on the basis of mutual respect, and mutual benefit, The above mentioned principles are applicable in all situations and is an ever-present component of Chinas foreign policy. 

The Paramount importance of maintaining the idea  Peace and mutual respect in  international relations 

Peace is also an ever present component of the foreign policy in China PR and thus the unmotivated fear that is often heard of in some circles in the world that the Chinese seek world supremacy of secretly plot to take over the world, can easily be dispelled if one is willing to shrug of all prejudice and listen to what the representatives of the Central People’s Government has to say about it. “we are working to build is a socialist market economy.

For instance, Germany is under the social market economy. And here in the United States it is the free capitalist economy. But this by no means stand in the way of the free exchange of trade between the two countries. Nor do we have the intention of exporting our socialism with Chinese characteristics to you here in the United States.

Comrade Jiang also spoke with the clarity on the paramount importance holding the principles of mutual under standing and  of non interference in the internal affairs of sovereign nations in high esteem by saying:  

“I believe most importantly there is a need for deep and mutual understanding about each other's situation. And dialogues can also be carried out on the basis of not interference in each other's internal affairs.”


by studying China more closely I think anyone will be able to shrug of the most common stereotypes about China, and see China more for what it is, a dynamic society and not a strictly  one dimensional  society. I think everyone in the west can learn a thing or two from China, you don’t have to be a communist to realise this.  There is no point in denying what a knowledgeable person Comrade Jiang is. 

Regardless if you agree with everything he says or not, doing so would be an insult to the Chinese people. Regardless of what you may think of him personally there is no point in overlooking that he still has played an important role in developing modern day China - this is a fact and a reality which  simply be overlooked. I am of the opinion that Jiang is very right in stating that deep and mutual understanding is of paramount importance in today’s multi polar world. 

My point was in writting this article was to explain why I think  everyone should take note of what comrade Jiang has said and try to me more open minded and see the world for what it is and always keep in mind that different countries have different historic tradition, cultural tradition, and level of economic development.