We treat Muslims of the world as Muslims of our own country and will ever share in their destiny."
- Ruhollah Khomeini in a letter to the then
Chairman of the Presidium of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Mr Michail Gorbachev
1st of January 1989
by Jan Freidun Taravosh december 4th 2009
Beyond the concept of Western Capitalism there are other concepts upon which a society can be founded, yet in the Western Media we are not always informed that such is the case. In today’s world we have various concepts of societies existing side by side with one another. Students of History will be aware of the fact that many historians and social scientists of the modern world are keen on describing the political landscape during the days of the Cold War (in the west as in the east) in a way which makes them paint a most simplistic picture of the political devide, and political demographics of the world- thus and in general countries are/were considered either to belong to one out of two political blocs either the western bloc ( in over simple terms it was described as being led by the United States of America and The United Kingdom) or the “Eastern bloc” ( in over simple terms it was decribed as being led by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People's Republic of China).
Khomeni, the Islamic Revolution and the Neither Eastern or Western Concept
With that made clear - This article won’t focus on the above but instead will focus on trying to give the reader a basic understanding of a different concept of society building in this diverse and multi-polar world -
One such example is the Iranian Revolution brought a new dynamic into the world of politics and the most famous slogan of Ruollah Khomeini at the time was “Neither Eastern or Western Islam is for us.” This concept is not talked of as often in the west, but is nevertheless interesting.
Imam Khomeini was awarded the title Man of The Year by Time Magazine in 1979, the year of the triumph of the Islamic revolution in Iran - the year when the Islamic Republic of Iran was founded as an independent state.
The Universal Values of Islam
In a letter written by Imam Khomeni eminating from the first of January 1989, and addressed to Michail Gorbachev, The Imam provided further understanding of the concept of Islam as a driving force for social progress - reflecting over difference of opinion on the meaning of religion in the general and Islam in perticular Khomeini wrote the following:
“Mr Gorbachev
Islam has exalted universal values which can bring comfort and salvation to all nations and remove the basic problems of mankind. A true understanding of Islam may forever release you from the problem of Afghanistan and other similar involvements. We treat Muslims of the world as Muslims of our own country and will ever share in their destiny.
By granting certain liberties to some of your Republics in matters pertaining to religious practices, you have shown that you no longer consider religion as the “opium of the people.” Indeed, how can Islam be the opium of the people—the religion that has made Iranians as firm as a mountain against superpowers? Is the religion that seeks the administration of justice in the world and man’s freedom from material and spiritual shackles, the opium of the people? Only that religion is the opium of the people that causes the material and spiritual resources of Islamic and non-Islamic countries to pass into the clutches of super- and lesser powers and that preaches that religion is separate from politics. This, however, cannot be called a true religion; it is what our people call “an American religion.”
I Think the above provides a good insight of the Imam’s way of thinking which is expressed here openly and in all honesty from one statesman to another - for as the Imam also rightfully put it before ending his letter:
“In any case, our country, as in the past, honors good neighborhood and bilateral relations.”
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