Scientific Socialism Deals with Every Aspect of Human and Social Development
- Not Only the Economy!
A review of Marxism and the Problems of Linguistics by I.V. Stalin
by Jan Freidun Taravosh
December 9th 2009
“As a science, Marxism cannot stand still,
it develops and is perfected. In its development, Marxism
cannot but be enriched by new experience, new knowledge”
- I.V. Stalin
Many people have erroneously portrayed Scientific Socialism as a system of thought focused mainly a complex economic theory which is not easy to apprehend to one who is not a specialist - others claim that it’s a theory concerned only with development of productive forces and as such is distant from the everyday life's of human beings and does not care too much for other aspects of human development.
Another misunderstanding about scientific socialism is that it has no relevance in today’s world.
While it can certainly be said that Karl Marx The Capital is not the easiest read you will find in the library and while it may be true that this particular title is mainly concerned with economics. - I would like to remind you that the estrange attitude towards the concept of scientific socialism is created by the establishment because as a theory it is anti imperialist at heart and shakes the foundations of capitalism at the same time. The general portraying of Scientific Socialism as a stiff read and the accepted idea of communism as and Abstract and/ or vague concept - has more to do with the establishments narrow-minded view that the world starts and ends with capitalism and everything beyond that is no mans land.
The above claims are often shoved at the young to scare them away from ever attaining a more progressive frame of mind - and also to hide the truth that in fact Scientific Socialism embraces all aspects of Human Development not only economy! A perfect example of this is I.V. Stalin’s Marxism and the Problem of Linguistics. which deals with one of the basic perquisites for social development the science of Language and more importantly the importance of Language as a means of communication to achieve progress.
Who is I.V. Stalin
While the of the founders of scientific socialism lived in the 1800’s and focused mainly on theory. I.V. Stalin was one of the leading figures putting the revolutionary theory and society building into practice. I.V. Stalin was not merely a philosopher, he was also a popular leader and a statesman(*). To many people he is known for his military leadership first and foremost, as he was a leading figure in the red army’s victory in face of the fascist invasion in World War two. sadly enough not very few look into his important contributions to scientific socialism of modern times, and many are surprised to hear that a person like him who had a most modest proletarian upbringing could still publish such a wide range of works. While The foundations of Leninism might be his most famous book because of it’s clear message and the well accomplish revitalising of scientific socialism’s revolutionary side as explained and put into practice. The Problems of Linguistic show a different side of the theory and the author which is never the less as essential, and probably unheard of to many people. It’s a pity really as it is as profound as it is easily accessible.
What’s so terrific about this book?
I know, that people are often surprised by the fact that this distinguished leader of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was this into linguistics - many may argue that because of his proletarian upbringing what can this man really know about the subject - and more over shouldn’t this subject be dealt with preferably by academics of high stature?
No, to be fair it’s the authors worker background that makes this piece if work such a landmark. It’s written by a leader of the people, for the people, and it deals with the basic concept of a subject which plays a key role in all aspects of human development namely language and communication. While scientific socialism is often given a bum rap for being to academic and distant from the everyday activities of the struggling masses because of it’s founders academic degrees and such - (a common critique that ironically steams from the academic circles of society) nothing of the sort can be said of this book.
As the author Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin himself explains - he is not an traditional “expert”, yet this does not hinder him from engaging the subject with sincerity and most importantly of all a clear mind:
“A group of younger comrades have asked me to give my
opinion in the press on problems relating to linguistics,
particularly in reference to Marxism in linguistics. I am not a
linguistic expert and, of course, cannot fully satisfy the request
of the comrades. As to Marxism in linguistics, as in other
social sciences, this is something directly in my field. I have
therefore consented to answer a number of questions put by
the comrades. “
The greatness of this work is not to be measured in the number of pages it amounts too - quite the contrary in the circumstances of the vast subject this pamphlet deals with it is a very brief publication - yet in truth it is all the better for it. I rids the subject of linguistics from abstractions and academic mumbo jumbo and more importantly it always stays within the realms of the social aspects of human development and the social and creative characteristics of the human being.
The author makes the important note also on the particular characteristics of language itself by saying:
“language radically differs from the super-
structure. Language is not a product of one or another base,
old or new, within the given society, but of the whole course
of the history of the society and of the history of the bases
for many centuries. It was created not by some one class, but
by the entire society, by all the classes of the society, by the
efforts of hundreds of generations. It was created for the
satisfaction of the needs not of one particular class, but of
the entire society, “
The above state takes note of the universal importance of the subject
and as Stalin explains further :
“language serves society as a means of intercourse
between people, as a means for exchanging thoughts in society,
as a means enabling people to understand one another and
to co-ordinate joint work in all spheres of human activity”
What makes the pamphlet essentially worthwhile is that it through out maintains it’s style, this author does not waste time of discussing the questions of language per se, but more-over the author captures the readers interest of what may be seen as a vague or abstract to many by keeping the consistent correlation with the development of society as a whole, this is what makes “Marxism and Linguistics really interesting and it is also what makes it a worthwhile read to anyone - the ambitions scholar and the casual reader alike. It is the perfect reminder for progressive youth in particular that scientific socialism should not be treated in an abstract manner.
As Stalin continues to explain the subject he says the following:
“Language exists, language has been
created precisely in order to serve society as a whole, as a
means of intercourse between people, in order to be common
to the members of society and constitute the single language
of society, serving members of society equally, irrespective of
their class status. A language has only to depart from this
position of being a language common to the whole people, it
has only to give preference and support to some one social
group to the detriment of other social groups of the society,
and it loses its virtue, ceases to be a means of intercourse be-
tween the people of the society, and becomes the jargon of
some social group, degenerates and is doomed to disappear.
In this respect, while it differs in principle from the super-
structure, language does not differ from instruments of production, from machines, let us say, which are as indifferent to classes as is language and may, like it, equally serve a capitalist system and a socialist system.”
Scientific Socialism a versatile, and organic system of though
Now what I was trying to get through to the reader who is new to this concept of thought then Marxism and linguistics proves, that this world outlook, scientific socialism has a continued relevance in all aspects of human development and as this pamphlet focuses on the social aspects of human life, it is too many people surely much more accessible than theories on the surplus value. If you feel like you have always wanted to study the basic concepts of Scientific socialism, and to understand better the concept of communism, but you have always felt that you’ve never had a brain for economy - why not try engaging the subject from a different angle?
Take me as an example, I was never that into maths, and economy as a student in upper secondary in specialised in social sciences and languages - it suited me perfectly, to read Marxism and Linguistics
- reading The Capital came much later, and there is nothing wrong with that. The best thing about Scientific Socialism is that it embodies all aspects of Human life and development in one outlook, it’s a most and progressive dynamic outlook and also a complete system of thought. Therefore, when you acquaint yourself with this system of thought, mind you that in contrast to other systems of thought or beliefs scientific socialism is more organic and versatile and can not be applied mechanically.
What I said above is also clarified by the author himself before rounding of his article:
( see page 52-53)
“Marxism is the science of the laws governing the development of nature and society, the science of the revolution of
the oppressed and exploited masses, the science of the
victory of socialism in all countries, the science of building communist society.
As a science, Marxism cannot stand still,
it develops and is perfected. In its development, Marxism
cannot but be enriched by new experience, new knowledge —
consequently some of its formulas and conclusions cannot but
change in the course of time, cannot but be replaced by new
formulas and conclusions, corresponding to the new historical
tasks. Marxism does not recognize invariable conclusions and
formulas, obligatory for all epochs and periods. Marxism is
the enemy of all dogmatism.”
The above mentioned Essay was first published in Pravda in 1950, yet it is as relevant today as it was then. Maybe it’s even more relevant today. In the times of the economic crisis of global capitalism world wide, it is becoming more important to the demystify the concept of scientific socialism and thus making it more accessible to the youth. You don’t have to be a specialist in linguistics to read this book, as with any book ever published by the same author, Stalin sets everything straight and maintains this straightforward approach throughout - important to note is that this book has been translated into many languages.
footnote from above: Comrade Stalin was The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of The Soviet Union a Revolutionary Bolshevik Marxist-Leninist communist party of the now dissolved Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - A multi ethnic socialist state. As a state founded on the practical principles of socialism it was the first of it’s kind.
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