The Fifth ZANU (P.F.) People’s Congress
Putting the People First
By Jan Freidun Taravosh 13 of December 2009
In international politics the fact is the progressive side of Zimbabwean politics is often hidden away, the general populace here in the west are generally under the influence of the notorious demonising campaign originating from western imperialism and because of eacist and colonial perspectives of the established western media. Estranged attitudes towards
Zimbabweans exist even within the progressive movement.
The side of Zimbabwe the west does not want us to see is the anti - imperialist revolutionary and people oriented policies of the ZANU (P.F.), which seemed to be alive and well during the congress.
Q:What is ZANU (P.F.)?
A: ZANU (P.F) is a genuine Pan African and revolutionary grass roots movement. in the independent republic of Zimbabwe a landlocked country in southern Africa. (ZANU P.F.) led the liberation struggle against Colonialism and is committed to spearheading the dynamic Zimbabwean revolution, strengthening the people’s oriented ecenomy and consolidating revolutionary unity, safeguarding the gains of the revolution and the majority rule attainted after the defeat of the Rhodesian apartheid settler minority government.
The importance of This Year’s People’s Congress
Although it was not given much attention in the west, fact remains that the revolutionary party concluded it’s People’s Congress yesterday drawing delegates from the countries all ten provinces, among other things the party elected a new Central Committee and endorsed a New Presidium and above all came out stronger united under the banner of putting the people first.
This years congress as indicated by Zimbabwe Government Online was held under the Theme “United in Defence of our National Resources and People’s Economic Empowerment” The Theme underlined the importance of collective strength over individualism and further it summarised the vital importance of economic empowerment among the masses as a means in safeguarding the gains of the revolution even in turbulent times.
The Importance of the Youth
During the congress the situation of the Youth was also contemplated and the importance of the youth was further stressed i.e who are better to safeguard the gains of the liberation struggle and carry on the revolution than the progressive youth.
Special attention - it was concluded must be given to educating the youth:
“In this era of globalisation, most youngsters live in the “here and now”. They have no time for history. If you want your political philosophy to convince them, you must first sell them a message that resonates with their everyday lives in various practical ways.” Worth noting is the fact that the Youth League also elected new leaders, showing a definite sign of a generation shift in the party. The wisdom of the experienced generation is handed over to the young as they pass the baton.
The Coalition Government Evaluated
The time that has passed since the Run off election and the commitment to the inclusive government was also evaluated. Where as the inclusive government has contributed to political stability and peace in the country in face of imperialist threat and divide and rule agendas, it was concluded that the coalition government still has it’s limitations and that the political movement must aim at consolidating the trust among the grass roots first and foremost.
On Zimbabwe Government online it was explained in the following words:
“This is not to say the coalition arrangement is a total waste of time. It is not. Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations are all benefiting from the inclusive Government. But at some point one political party must gain the upper hand as the nation braces for what promises to be a bruising election.”
Serving the People’s Needs the Major Task
Other than electing a new central committee and endorsing a new Presidium with Comrade Simon Khaya Moyo as the newly elected national chairman - The party stressed the fact that as the congress comes to close the major tasks for the revolutionary movement still lies ahead. As the party’s first secretary Robert Gabriel Mugabe rightfully put it Factionalism has no place in ZANU (P.F.) hence as the congress came to an end, the party stressed the fact that now when the debate is over the major task of serving the people’s needs must commence.
The theme of the congress should thus not only be applied on party building but more over also on productivity in general. It was decided that priority must be given to avail the needs of the farmers who are in need of special inputs. Decisive efforts must also be spearheaded to tackle the counter revolutionary force that is corruption.
The Election of Cde Khaya Moyo as Chairman
A special notice should be made on the fact that Simon Khaya Moyo was elected national chairman. As Chairman Cde. Khaya Moyo will have a specific Zimbabwe in organising the movement. However it should be made clear that the democratic centralism the revolutionary party is founded on prohibits any given individual to stand above the party.
despite the common belief in the west that the new Chairman is somewhat of a “no namer” on the political scene truth is Cde Khaya Moyo is rich in experience as a diplomat and has served as ambassador for many years.
He has been given an enormous amount of trust from his comrades. Yet it should be pointed out that the election of Khaya Moyo as Chairman has not turned ZANU into "Chairman Khaya Moyo’s party”, the slogan of the party remains ZANU (P.F.) FOR THE PEOPLE, THE PEOPLE FOR ZANU (P.F.).
It is obvious that the party has come out of the Congress strengthened and revitalised. I for one think that Chairman Khaya Moyo’s rich experience of diplomacy will be a most valuable asset in strengthening the unity within the movement.
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