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tisdag 1 december 2009

The plight of the Palestinians is out in the open: Why won’t the western powers within international community react?

The plight of the Palestinians is out in the open: 

Why won’t the western powers within  international community react? 

By Jan Freidun Taravosh  30th of November 2009

I find no reason that accurately makes me convinced of why the international community should not act with more commitment concerning the Palestinian question. 

It is not like people all over the world are uninformed on the matter, quite the contrary: 

Let us for instance, take a look at the clear statement made by Mr Abbas, The current PLO chairman to the United nations general assembly last year:

As for attacks by Israeli settlers, on Palestinian civilians, these have become daily occurrences, where the law of the jungle, and the methods of racial terrorism prevail.”

This account made by Chairman Abbas, should not be anything that would be difficult for anyone to relate too. people and leaders of the east as well as the west acted without delay to put pressure on the apartheid regimes of Southern Africa , in the past, and despite pressure from the non Alignment movement, the western powers chooses not to act. The plight of the Palestinians is out in the open, it’s no secret.

A matter of paramount importance, for peace loving people worldwide

The subject was up for discussion once more at the 64th session of the General Assembly. I.R.I President DR. Ahmadinejad  spoke with clarity on the matter:

 How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to 

force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years 

by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms and even 

prohibited weapons; to deny them of their legitimate right of self-defense, while much 

to the chagrin of the international community calling the occupiers as the peace- 

lovers, and portraying the victims as terrorists. How can the crimes of the occupiers against 

defenseless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported 

unconditionally by certain governments, and at the same time, the oppressed men and 

women be subject to genocide and heaviest economic blockade being denied of their 

basic needs, food, water and medicine. “

Now for those people who shrug their shoulders, those who are contemplating that this is only an issue for the Muslim community. - Dr. Ahmadinejad dispelled such misconceptions by declaring the following in the same statement: 

In my opinion, we have several important agendas in front of us. 

The Secretary- General and the UN General Assembly can take the lead by undertaking necessary 

measures for the fulfilment of our shared goals on the basis of: 

1 - Restructuring the United Nations in order to transform this world body to 

an efficient and fully democratic organization, capable of playing an 

impartial, equitable, and effective role in the international relations; 

reforming the structure of the Security Council, specially by abolishing the 

discriminatory privilege of veto right; restoration of the inalienable rights 

of the Palestinian people by organizing a referendum and free elections in 

Palestine in order to prepare a conducive ground for all Palestinian 

populations, including Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in 

peace and harmony; putting an end to all types of interferences in the 

affairs of Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle East, and in all countries in Africa, 

Latin America, Asia and Europe. 

As our great Prophet said, a government may survive with blasphemy,

 but never with oppression.”

 They point of the above is clear - one does not have to be a Muslim scholar, to understand the the Palestinian quest for peace and self - determination is justified, one does not have to be a Muslim scholar to understand that peace is beneficial to all mankind. 

Yet Islamophobia seems to scare away most westerners from looking at the matter at hand with sincerity.

The same can not be said about the African community: On the matter of Palestinians right for self determination  the Namibian President Comrade Pohamba said the following to the 63rd session of the assembly. “The people of Palestine have an inalienable right to self­determination.  “Namibia is concerned 

about the lack of progress in negotiations on the question of Palestine.  We call for the immediate 

implementation of all United Nations resolutions on Palestine and the establishment of an 

independent state of Palestine, living side­by­side with Israel.” 

 Now take note: The SWAPO led, Government of Namibia is not an Islamic Government, Comrade Pohamba is neither an Arab nor a Muslim scholar, yet he is nevertheless as passionate about the question of self determination as Chairman   Abbas or Dr Ahmadinejad.  

 Thus, the Palestinian question remains a matter of paramount importance to all peace loving people world wide.

Solidarity with Palestine within the NAM

it is no surprise that the Zimbabwean Government headed by Comrade Mugabe welcomed  former PLO Chairman Arafat with open arms on in 2001 as reported in the magazine  the people’s daily, in may 2001.

 The two liberation movements PLO and ZANU have A fraternal bond dating back for decades - and more over Zimbabwe is an active member in  The NAM Palestine Committee, as is the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, The Republic of Cuba, The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Republic of India, Senegal and Indonesia. 

 The ANC led Republic of South Africa, stated clearly in their election manifesto of 2009 their pledge to: “Commit to the peaceful resolution of all conflicts in Africa, 

the Middle East and rest of the world. We support a two state 

solution as a model of peace between Israel and Palestine.” 

To be frank, The ANC is only underlining  a decade old position of solidarity with the Palestinian people  which in it self is nothing new to them. Considering the fact the South Africans, like the Zimbabweans  share a revolutionary history of struggle against apartheid  For them it’s  only natural.

Solidarity with Palestine within the African Union

 In fact the entire African Union is not at all shy in condemning the apartheid policies of the present day Israeli regime, and rightfully so. In other words let me put it this way:

 What is natural for every progressive, humanist, and peace loving  person in the post colonial world, seems very distant to the self serving narrow-minded and islamophobic western establishment. In the west the bizarre reasoning of portraying victims of oppression as no good, savage terrorists is a common tale. The Apartheid regime in Israel is hence used as convenient tool in trying to maintain imperialist dominance in the Middle East.

What I am saying The question is not about “raising awareness about the conflict” any longer, we are far beyond that today - it’s about demystifying the shameful policies of apartheid in occupied Palestine, where to speak with the words of Chairman Abbas  “the law of the jungle, and the methods of racial terrorism prevail”

In Conclussion:

 I think Leaders of the western powers should act against The Israeli settlers ,  In the same way in  as they acted against the settler governments of Southern Africa. i.e. they should exercise decisive  pressure on the Zionist regime. They should also rid themselves from Islamophobia, only then can they look at the conflict without prejudice and fully realise the plight of the Palestinian masses. 

In this article I have tried to describe how The Palestinian masses self determination and lasting peace is a just cause and how it is not a matter   of interest only to the Muslim community,  lasting peace in the middle east is beneficial to all mankind.

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