Jiang Zemin, P.R China and the development of an all-around of a well-to-do society
A review of the Book “On The Three Represents” By Jiang Zemin
By Jan Freidun Taravosh 20th of December 2009
“Communism can only be realized on the basis of a fully developed and highly advanced socialist society.”
Jiang Zemin
As a vast developing country aiming to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in today’s multi polar world, the people of the China P.R in the 21st century find themselves in an unprecedented phase of dynamic development. This development is diversified and versatile but not much attention is given to it in the western media. The western establishment still maintain a very stereotyped and one sided view of Chinese Society.
An in-depth look at Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the 21st century
In his book On The three represents, Comrade Jiang Zemin gives the reader a rare opportunity to get a more in-depth view of the all around development of The People’s Republic China.
as far as the historical development of political theory is concerned Comrade Jiang Refers both to classic works by Marx and Engels such as Critique of the Gotha programme, the communist manifesto and Critique of the political economy and works by other Chinese politicians like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, but whether you are an experienced scholar of Scientific Socialism or not “On The three represents” in dealing with the all around development of society speaks to anyone. While classic works of the founders of Marxism is mentioned and basic concept such as historical materialism and labour value and the correlation between foundation and superstructure, there is no need to be a expert in scientific socialism to understand the contents of this book. the main focus of this book is the three represents I.E the productive forces the culture, and the overwhelming majority of the people. Comrade Jiang touches Chinese History also, but one does not have to be a history expert to understand the main aspects of this book. In reading it, the reader will get a wonderful insight in the fields of social and political development, management, education and culture as well as anti corruption. Interestingly the issue of disintegration of the union of soviet socialist republics, and the construction of socialism in different times is analysed, and pressing issues in today’s china such as dynamic development of the productive forces cadre education and the fight against corruption. Thanks to Jiang, the reader gets a first hand account of the dynamic developments happening in the biggest development country in the world. While Human society has entered has entered the 21 century our country has entered a new period of development characterized by the all-around the of a well-to-do society and acceleration of the socialist modernization drive. Comrade Jiang, in turning to the specific challenges facing the Chinese Society under the present era. “with our vast country, huge party membership and complex society it is impossible for us to be immune from all problems. but we should make sure to minimize the problems”
in turning to the relation between the political leaders and the grass roots movement, Jiang, like Comrade Mao Zedong before him, stresses the relation between the party and the masses, “make in depth studies and investigations of what is really going on, and adopt measures to step up the work and promote party building in a down to earth manner”
The Importance of Engaging Society Building With a Wholesome Perspective
Jiang also stresses social development in a wholesome perspective, in providing guidance for society building
does so in a way which is not heard of that often in the west on page 26. Jiang explains: “We should observe the inherent rules governing the contradictions of the productive forces versus the relation of production and the economic base versus the superstructure during the current stage of historical development and guard against all forms of subjectiveness and one-sidedness so as to do an even better job.”
Turning to political theory Comrade Jiang, stresses that political theory can never be adapted mechanically and stresses how the concept of the three represents, answers to the current phase of development the country finds itself in (see page 29): “in building socialism the Chinese way we do not have written answers to many of the questions involved and we have to seek answers from dissecting and summing up new situations and practices by applying the basic Marxist principles”
On the Three Represents Gives the Reader a Chance to Understand China Without the Prejudice
ON THE THREE REPRESENTS is a great book and thanks to facilitation by the foreign languages publishing house of Beijing we get directly from the source material, from modern day China without the prejudice.
While the book may be rare it is never the less an essential read for anyone who wants to have a broader understanding of society building in the People’s Republic of China or scientific socialism in general. Overall development is an ever present theme, for as Comrade Jiang explains “Development is the absolute need this is a strategic concept we must stick to consistently this question should be viewed not only economically but also politically” and more over. “Communism can only be realized on the basis of a fully developed and highly advanced socialist society”
The book is also great because it dispels many stereotyped conceptions of the Chinese people in general and Chinese society in particular. The book is easy to read, and deals with a very timely subject for everyone who wishes to know more about the biggest developing country in the world, the important thought of the three represents was enshrined in the CPC constitution in 2002, as I said you by know means have to be an expert on the subject, a broader understanding of development in the world is to everyone's benefit. to be honest you do not even have to be a socialist or acquainted with the principles of scientific socialism, cadre education or democratic centralism beforehand. Ask your local library for it, it’s a great and enlightening read!
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