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onsdag 16 december 2009

Hu Jintao's concerning Tibet - A Brief Presentation

Hu Jintao’s remarks concerning the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet

A Brief Presentation 

By Jan Freidun Taravosh December 13th 2009

 ”Let us rally around the leadership of  the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core,  hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, take the  important thinking of the "Three Represents" as the guide, work  together unremittingly with one heart for a new socialist Tibet of unity, prosperity and civilization, and for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!”   

 - Hu Jintao


Much has been said about China through out the years - but in the west a very one dimensional view of the Dynamic and multi ethnic society that is the People’s Republic of China still persists. 

Especially the question of Tibet's Autonomy has been infected with confusion in the western hemisphere and does not reflect the reality on the ground. The correlation between unity and diversity has not be understood and More over the history of feudal serfdom and theocratic conservatism that was the reality in ancient Tibet before liberation is fundamentally ignored in the west. In the west were tha dalai clique is perceived as an  somewhat “enlightened despotic regime” despite the fact that The Dalai Lama is  a bogus advocate for peace.  The biased view of the Western establishment has more to with the dalai clique regimes close connection with former colonial authorities than any real concerns for the well being of the people or the progress of humankind.

The Tibet issue and imperialist measures to destabilise the People’s Republic

 In western establishment media “concerns” about Tibet are used as an excuse to meddle in the internal affairs of the Chinese nation. In the west imperialist media often seek to misinform the general populace about the true dynamics of the Tibet issue and the history of Serfdom correlated to the colonial history of the region prior to the  liberation. All this is made in an effort to try and destabilise the People’s Republic of China and to plant seeds of discord in an effort to regain western influence over the region. The Central People governments position on the matter is rarely  -if ever-  talk about. Often it is spoken of only to ridicule the Chinese nation and to insult the Chinese People and it’s leaders. Not very much attention is given to the situation on the ground and the dynamic course of development spearheaded by the Central People’s Government. 

Hu Jintao’s remarks concerning the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet

A Brief Presentation

During the time when Comrade Hu Jintao served as Vice President of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China Comrade Hu was invited to address the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Peaceful liberation   of Tibet held in July 2001.

although hard to find in the west as if they are trying to hide truth of the  realities of Tibet this magnificent address can be found online. In his profound address Hu Jintao stresses the important of both broad based unity and embracing diversity in a way which is generally unheard of in the west.

Tibet is a beautiful and richly endowed region of our great  motherland. The industrious and talented people of all ethnic  groups in Tibet have, in a long historical development, made  outstanding contributions to the creation of a glorious culture of the Chinese nation and creation of a unified multi-ethnic country. In the last half a century in particular, the Tibetan people have  written brilliant chapters in the development and progress of  Tibet and added new glory to the big family of our socialist  motherland. We feel profoundly proud of the past and immensely  confident about the future. Let us rally around the leadership of  the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core,  hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, take the  important thinking of the "Three Represent's" as the guide, work  together unremittingly with one heart for a new socialist Tibet of unity, prosperity and civilization, and for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!”  

In stressing the fact of looking ahead to the future and working together in unity comrade Hu also underlined the importance that all people do not forget the history of serfdom which used to surround Tibet before liberation.

“Fifty years ago, the CPC Central Committee and Comrade Mao  Zedong, having correctly assessed the situation, made a far- sighted, resolute and significant policy decision to liberate  Tibet peacefully. The Central People's Government and the former  local government of Tibet signed the Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, thus bringing about the peaceful  liberation of Tibet. The peaceful liberation of Tibet was a major  event in modern Chinese history and an epoch-making turning point  in the course of development in Tibet. It symbolized that Tibet  once and for all cast off the yoke of imperialist aggression and  that the great unity of the Chinese nation and its great  reunification cause have entered a new period of development. It  ushered in a new era in which Tibet would turn from darkness to  light, from backwardness to progress, from poverty to affluence  and from seclusion to openness.”

Hu Jintao also took the opportunity to draw up a summarisation of the great attention the Central People’s Government and the People of China has given to developing Tibet, and described how this has turned an ancient feudal society into a a dynamic diverse and multiethnic society: “Over the past 50 years, Tibet has achieved a leap forward in  the historical development of social systems and embarked on a  socialist road. With the abolition of feudal serfdom, under which  the Tibetan people had long been suppressed and exploited,  millions of erstwhile serfs who did not even have the minimum of  human rights have now stood up and become masters of their own  fate. Today people of all ethnic groups are fully enjoying  political, economic, cultural and other rights and having complete control of their destiny.

Moreover Hu explained the importance of gearing attention towards securing peace and stability in the region and strengthening unity on the basis of mutual assistance as an important perquisite for further development.

“People of all ethnic groups have worked  in unity and succeeded in foiling the separatist and disruptive  activities of the Dalai clique and anti-China forces in the world  time and again, and thus safeguarded stability in Tibet and  national unity and state security.  With the passage of 50 extraordinary years, Tibet of today  presents a scene of vitality and prosperity with economic growth,  social progress and stability, ethnic solidarity and solid border  defense. The people here are living and working in peace and  contentment


My uttermost aim with this article was to present a more insightful view of the Tibet issue, which unlike the established western view was not stripped away from it’s historical context, also I wanted the reader to be able to set aside all forms of prejudice take note of the official stand taken by the  Central People’s Government as it is. I wanted to present it going directly from the source, and thus when I have done so I hope have also been successful in dispelling the most common racial prejudice which continues to persist in the western bourgeoisie society towards the brave people of Chine and the leaders of the Central People’s Government of The People’s Republic of China. 

Hopefully this article has also brought the reader with a deeper understanding of the dynamics of Chinese Socialism which difference a lot from the one sided view established in the western media. 

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