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tisdag 22 december 2009

The Importance of The Lancaster House Agreement

By Jan Freidun Taravosh december 22nd 2009

Yesterday marked a wonderful day in the history of the young indepent republic of Zimbabwe, This article will reflect over the fundamental meaning of this agreement.
As journalist Phyllis Johnson put it in her article Lancaster House revisited in marking the 30th anniverisery of the conclussion of the Lancaster Hous agreement. "Thirty years ago, on December 21 1979, an agreement was signed in London that set in motion a series of events that put Zimbabwe on the course to where it is today.

The signatures appended reluctantly to that agreement beneath the chandeliers and subterfuge of Lancaster House ended the war in a place that some called Rhodesia and signalled a different route to independence for a country that the majority called Zimbabwe. "
While the importance of the Lancaster House talks between the Patriotic front as lead by Comrade JoshuaNkomo and Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Colonial Athorities as represented by Prime Minister Tatcher and Lord Carrington, cannot be understade in the context that it brought an end to the protacted struggle and lay the foundation for peace and stability in Zimbabwe. As the Author of the article put it, it should also be noted the specific role the breakthrough of this agreement meant for world politics in general. With the conclusion of an agreement that recognised the Zimbabweans people right to land and independence and self rule - after thought deliberations signalled not only a change in the political situation in Zimbabwe but in truth it was a victory for all the downtrodden people struggling for independence in face of colonial exploitation and imperialist treaths world wide. The independence of Zimbabwe saw the end of a vile apartheid regime in southern africa, and provided new strenght and encourragement for fraternal people's in africa and beyond in the struggle against colonialism and injustice - Hence the Lancaster House agreement must be seen for what it was, it was an agreement where the bourgoise of the colonial athothies of the western world were forced to realise that colonialism was at worlds end and that the african grass roots movements must be recognised as the genuine representatives of the people. In the days of the liberation struggle. The progressive movements of Zimbabwe had simply been written of as barbaric, savage, and marxist terrorists. However as the struggle progressed The colonial athorities and the settler regime came to realise - however reluctantly that according to the people of Zimbabwe the patriotic front was a genuine pan african grass roots movement which could not be underestimated. i.e the lancaster house agreement finally recognised the grass roots movement as the true reprsentatives of the people and it also recognised the leaders of the grassroots movements as true human beings and not as sub human animals.
This is why Lancaster House has such a significant meaning not only to Zimbabweans but to people all over the world struggeling for justice, it teaches that a people united cannot be defeated and that presistent commitment to a just cause eventually recieves recongition, regardless of how dire the situation may seem at times. the Lancaster House Agreement also signalled the need that the british athoroties faced the music and realised the responsiblity the colonial athorities have in commencing the de-colonialisation process and work for peace in the region. Comrade Joshua Nkomo, crystalised the seriousness of this matter in his profound opening speech at the time of negatiotiations when he said: "The Patriotic Front, deeply conscious of the need to bring an end to racism and colonialism which continue to plague the people of Zimbabwe, welcomes the British Government's stated aim to assist in this task of decolonisation. We have come to London to attend this Conference in response to the invitation recently extended to us by you, Mr Chairman, on behalf of the British Government. For us our presence here is by itself an act of immense sacrifice. The scarce material resources we have had to divert and the manpower we must of necessity tie down in London for the duration of this Conference should be enough evidence of our seriousness and good faith. We have always said that we will leave no stone unturned in our struggle for the total liquidation of colonialism in Zimbabwe."

What has the lancaster House Agreement meant for today's Zimbabwe

In today's Zimbabwe the words of the now late Vice President Comrade Joshua Nkomo we will leave no stone unturned in our struggle for the total liquidation of colonialism in Zimbabwe. still live on in modern day Zimbabwe as the people of the Republic continue their struggle for economic empowerment under the banner of consolidating the Third Chimurenga. With the legacy of a protacted liberation struggle and a likewise protracted peace negotiation the Zimbabwean people will never forgotted all the hard work and sacrfice that was required to acheive their hardwon independence. As the People remeber the Lancaster House agreement, they will remember it as a big step in providing the foundation for political stability and peace, yet independence also has an economic dimension, and in remembering Joshua Nkomos words the people of Zimbabwe still remain committed to the total liquidation of colonialism in Zimbabwe. As they people of Zimbabwe derive solace from the history of landmark achievements for political independce as demonstrated by the conclussion of the Lancaster House Agreement they also remain committed to the pursuit of economic empowerment under the banner Zimbabwe will never be a colony again,

The Lancaster House agreement and the dynamic Zimbabwean Revolution (Chimurenga) teaches us that Independce is so much more than mere paper independce. This is a valueble lesson we all can draw from the curragous achievements of the Zimbabwean People who attainted victory not only at the negotiating table but also in the trenches thanks to their persistence, revolutionary unity and never give up attitude under the leadership of the Patriotic Front. Thus Zimbabwe remains a source of inspiration to people struggling for indpendence and justice world wide.

Pamberi Ne Chimurenga

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